Making life spectacular
People keep close account of their money. It is only a transactional tool – you cannot take it with you when you die. The most precious thing you have is that you are alive right now. If that is the case, is it not worthwhile to keep account of where you are going in life, if you are improving yourself or you are regressing? You do not regress because of what someone else does to you. No one can do anything to you within you. Your boss or your family can make your life a little difficult on the outside. That means they give you more exercise – that’s all. This should only make you stronger. You should at least be as smart as this smart ass – let me tell you the story.
One day, an ass (donkey) past his prime slipped and fell into a well. The well had gone dry and was not too deep, but the donkey could not get out. It started braying from down there piteously. A few villagers and the owner came and saw what happened. The donkey kept screaming, wanting to get out, fearing for its life. People said, “This stupid donkey will go on screaming. It is already old and of no use – we can neither put it to work nor sell it. Anyway we wanted to close the well. Let’s do it now.” So they decided to close the well and bury the donkey alive. They started throwing earth into the well. Every time a basketful of earth fell on its back, the donkey shook it off and stepped on top of the pile. As the earth gathered, it kept coming higher up. The moment they filled up one side of the well, it walked out. The villagers thought, “Wow, this is a real smart ass.” In appreciation, the owner went and tried to hug the donkey. It kicked him straight in the face and ran away to freedom.
No matter what someone throws at you, you must make the best out of it – this is spiritual process. A mango tree, which does not even have a brain like you, can make mud into mangoes and sweetness. Plants can make filth into flowers and fragrance. You should be able to make something beautiful out of whatever comes your way. If you are able to do that, that shows who you are. The biggest problem on the planet has been that if small things go wrong, people blame it on “the small guy” (someone else). If big things go wrong in their lives, they blame it on “the big guy” (God). They themselves do not seem to be responsible for anything. It is time to stop blaming or trying to fix others. Instead,?you?should grow to your full potential. - Sadhguru