Making an impact, why we are pilots & math
This morning, on the way to do the Every Moment Matters inspirational talk I do, an amazing friend sends me this video. My class was – “The Importance of Making a Daily Impact”. I had a great video picked out and my talk track planned when she sends it to me. I start to play it as I drive and I am stunned…just no words! I knew in that moment I had to shift my whole talk track and play this video. It was still about the importance of making an impact but the focus was different...It had changed.
How can I make an impact in the 24 hours in front of myself and others?
It's about the 86,400 seconds!
Taking those seconds at work and at home to make an impact. Small things make big things happen. Make your impact!!
I usually hear the same three questions when it comes to my #86400 & my website....
- What are these numbers – 8,6,4 something, you always talk about?
- What does it all mean – and rocking your 86,400 minutes and what’s with all the math?
- Are you really that positive all the time?
The answers are in the video—It’s my whole platform, my legacy, my mantra and those who know me and support me (or sometimes hate on me...true story) know I have preached it for years. and #86400 is about loving yourself and embracing that you’re not perfect. It's about learning from each day to be just a little better than yesterday and by just breathing to take it a day (or sometimes a minute if need be) at a time is what you need to do. It's about staying positive in a not so positive world while being thankful and having perspective. It's about making moments count and like Jay says in the video…being the pilot to make the impact on yourself and others in the time we have. The 86,400 seconds we get each day!
In case you were dying to know
About the math thing, there is no math........I have to use Google to help my son with his math and then call his Aunt, who is a teacher, to tell me what the hell Google is saying (Thank you Aunt Cindy)
The short answer to number 3 is I’m not. It takes work. I try to put full effort into being “that guy” each day but it’s not always easy. Getting easier?...Yes! but there are moments where I think “ What am I doing” (i.e. – math obviously)
Then I go back to my roots and follow my steps.
Breathe, I am the pilot, trust the process (thank you Marci), one step at a time, control your controllablles and embrace me. Know my value, worth and wisdom. It’s never about perfect but if I put full effort into progress and focusing on being the best me today and in the time I have then it all will be ok.
It's not about getting people to believe in you...It's about getting people to believe in themselves
That is real impact!!!
Thank you for sending me that video Mrs. made an impact