Making it Happen in 2017

Making it Happen in 2017

September seems to have arrived very quickly this year and planning for 2017 is already underway with our clients at deVilliers Communications. The United Kingdom is getting back into full swing following the holiday season and it's good to see the country moving forward post Brexit.

It was very inspiring to see so much success from our GB Olympic team and it made me really consider the importance of detailed planning in order to achieve successful results. Interview after interview with the Olympic athletes demonstrated to me the huge planning process that had gone into their individual and team preparations.

The importance of effective planning is now critical in the modern day world. With the digital economy driving high levels of collaboration between us all, we all need to juggle so many social, personal and business events each week.

With lots of our clients planning their 2017 marketing budgets I wanted to put down my 5 keys to successful planning:

1. Set your goals with SMART thinking

Be Specific, Make sure the goal is Measurable, Make sure it is Attainable, Make sure it is Relevant and Timely with your schedules in mind. My other R is realistic, this makes sure that you don't set false expectations which can lead to disappointment and demotivation.

2. Once your goal is set, whether it be winning your local bike ride or delivering your next marketing campaign, I believe in making time with no distractions to put together your personal plan for success. Most of us know what it takes to make it happen, if not spend some time with your mentors to firm up your plan, take advice and work with your leadership teams. The best plans are tested with your colleagues and friends.

3. Discipline  Once you have your personal plans in place in order to achieve your goals the most important aspect is being disciplined in order to achieve them. While many of the Olympic athletes take this to huge lengths, it really does work. At the office we recommend colour codes in your diary, ones that mean not to be moved, even for a glass of Pimm's! Writing lists and making sure they are completed.

4. Visuals - with multiple projects and lots of incoming emails and work we always like to print off a large scale calendar to make sure that each project is in our thinking on a daily basis. It is amazing what impact having a big display of the work streams does to ones mindset and strategic thinking. I recommend that you print of a calendar in the office and put it near your computer with your goal on it and your SMART objectives nearby.

5. Finally, I believe in clear Communication. Tell people your thinking and plans, share your plans and bring people into your goals and plans. Once you have people supporting you and making it happen things become a lot easier. Take on a coach, trainer or a marketing agency to help support your ambitions. We all know it is much easier to have a gym buddy, the same is true in the business world, make it happen and achieving your goals.

Hope these 5 key points help make it happen for you and your business in 2017. Do visit our experienced marketing team who are already working on marketing services for our clients in 2017.

Start planning with deVilliers Communications today and enjoy the rest of the Summer.

Nick de Villiers

CEO, deVilliers Communications


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