The Making of Good Leaders

As demand for good #leaders increases, what defines a good leader? Some of the qualities that define a good leader include:

  1. A Clear Vision: Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible. This quote attributed to Frank Gaines points to the fact that Vision is the art of seeing things that are invisible. Lewis Caroll said that if you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there. Simon Sinek in his best-seller #startwithwhy states that it's what you can't see that matters.
  2. A Sense of Mission: The leader’s commitment to a cause is what draws people to support it. Mission is the bell calling out so loud that you cannot hear anything else.
  3. Foresight: Foresight is the ability to see the events of the future today and make necessary plans. It is the art of “visiting the future” before you are there, so that when you finally you arrive, you are prepared.
  4. Organizational Skills: A good leader leads an orderly life; not haphazard, not firefighting but operates from a place of calmness. Though life throws unexpected turns at everyone, a good leader will be better prepared to tackle them. Have you wondered why some people seem to have more time than the rest of us? They have mastered the art of organization. Those who can lead themselves often do well leading others.
  5. Alertness: A good leader is aware of his surrounding environment and does not act recklessly. He/she is aware of the threats in the environment. He/she is aware of the emerging trends in their particular space and guides his/her followers accordingly.
  6. Compassion: Simply put, compassion is a genuine concern for other people. A good leader is not given to self-aggrandizement and indeed is willing to sacrifice for the welfare of those he leads. A good leader is not focused on his/her personal advancement and even when he advances – it is not at the expense of his followers.
  7. Resilience: Good leaders are able to withstand resistance and overcome all obstacles until they reach their goal. Their eyes are stayed on the course. Henry Ford defined obstacles as those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal. Good leaders focus on their ultimate goal, day in day out until it comes to pass.


