Radical Change Catalyst & Leadership Speaker, Consultant, Coach & Mentor Igniting Leadership Potential for Lasting, Holistic & Profitable Success #success #leadership #personaldevelopment #mediatraining
You have just left university have succeeded in jumping the first hurdle.?You got the job.?Congratulations!
You want to make a good impression and succeed!
Creating a good impression isn’t rocket science.?Below are some key messages to help you in those first few weeks at you new job.?
1)???Be professional.?The organisation will have high expectations of you, after all they will be paying your salary.?You need to prove you are value for money.?
2)???Be punctual.?Leave enough time to ensure you can deal with any eventuality.
3)???Smile, it covers your nerves and makes positive contact with others.?Building positive relationships is a real must if you are to succeed in the long term.?Creating rapport with all your colleagues, customers and other professionals is a must if you want to get ahead.
4)???Be enthusiastic – even if you are asked to do something mundane.?The most successful leaders will roll up their sleeves and do what needs to be done.?Whiners and moaners get a bad reputation, it is much easier to create a good reputation and keep it than change a negative one.
5)???Do any task how ever lowly to the best of your ability.?Make yourself indispensable.?
6)???If in doubt ask??Don’t leave things till the last minute, ask others to help at a time convenient to them.?If things are not clear – be honest it will save time and trouble later.
7)???Listen carefully, it is your job to be receptive, don’t expect to get spoon fed.
8)???Don’t always wait to be asked.?Think ahead and look for opportunities to go that further step.?
9)???If things go wrong, admit your mistake immediately.?Take responsibility and learn from your mistake.?Covering up or blaming someone else simply makes things worse and ruins your credibility.
10) Be careful about confidentiality, and refrain from gossip.?Demonstrate professional integrity in everything you do.
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