Making Friends Smile :)

Making Friends Smile :)

COVID-19 has put people in a tough position. Some are working the frontlines every day, some are sick, some have lost their jobs, and some are still working to make ends meet.

But one thing that is still consistent during this time is friendship.

Friendship with coworkers, family, friends, even your animals. Friendship is still something that we can collectively share similarly amongst each other. It is also something that we can offer to people.

Offering friendship can generate happiness and gratefulness that will leave a lasting impression on someone no matter what they do after your interaction. That interaction, during a time like this, can create a memory that will forever bond people together. It is something you shared together and something that produced that thing on people's faces we like to call smiles. That is something we need more of right now...smiles.

So my challenge to you is how can you be a helpful friend during this time? What can you do to help someone else smile during this time? Even if it is something small it can mean something huge to that other person.

Let's be better friends, let's make each other smile.

With care,

Megan Gaglio


