Making a fresh start
Richard Brewin
Mentor to accountants who deserve more. Helping accountants to drive change for themselves, their firms and their clients
Hindsight is a wonderful thing. How easy would running a business be if we could look forward with the same clarity that we have when we review the past.
Hindsight can be used in two ways. We can use it to beat ourselves up about mistakes that we’ve made, mistakes that we didn’t necessarily spot at the time, maybe didn’t even have the opportunity to avoid.
We can also use it to grow our wisdom, experience and expertise. The real power of learning from the past comes when we bring it into the present and use it to shape our future. Nothing is wasted.
Knowing what you know now, if you were to start your firm again today then what would you do differently? The old joke, of course is, “well, I wouldn’t start from here, I can tell you that!” but, given that ‘here’ is reality, let’s park that for a moment and think of what you would do if you were starting your firm again today.
Chances are that you start from a strong place compared to first time around. You’re wiser, more experienced, better connected and probably better resourced. Yes, you’ve got a load of baggage now but let’s look past that.
List out what you would do if you were starting your firm today. What would you do differently? How would you better prepare for the future as it now looks compared to back when you started? What have you learned?
Now, what’s to stop you building your list into your goals and actions? Okay, we now have practicalities to address but isn’t that what goals and actions are all about anyway.
We talk about getting stuck in a rut, in other words being trapped in your current passageway. It’s easy to make the mistake of seeing your firm in the context of a single journey that you set out on back in the past and must continue to follow. It doesn’t have to be that way. You can change your route today, and tomorrow, and the day after. If you’re driving your business then you can change the direction of your firm whenever you wish.
Your list of what you would do in starting a new firm today could just be another turn of the page in your journey if you want it to be.
Take a fresh look at where you are and where you want to go next.