Making Every Day Better
One Terrene International Group (OTI Group)
Making every day better
?What is OTI Group??When encountering a business or corporation, we should always ask, who are they, what are they??Yet this question is often more complex than we think.?A painting can be perceived as a canvas and paint, or it could be perceived as a masterpiece.?The same applies to OTI Group, when broken down to our raw materials, we are a #non-profit and #non-government organization, yet when investigating deeper, we are a revolutionary approach to community work.?Our core values are the support of life, in all forms and aspects, ensuring equity, and equality and that each living organism has the opportunity to perform to the best of its ability.?However, how we do it, is completely revolutionary.??
Most NGOs rely on grants and funds to support their causes, and although we don’t say no to these, we take on a different approach.?We establish Social Enterprises to address the causes.?
In Europe we deal with a lot of unemployment, with over 13M unemployed in the EU alone, how do we address this problem??We established a job board, which happens to be the largest European Job board, hosting over 7M jobs available in Europe, – All proceeds from go towards setting up new Social Enterprises, which employ new people and create new opportunities where they are needed.
We didn’t just stop at an employment board, we also set up a dedicated on-demand marketplace focusing on the European market and allowing freelancers to become independent and find work while working from any location in the world;
In Commerce, many people want to be able to sell their products or services, but setting up a new business is both expensive and risky, no problem, we set up, an online megastore with over 100,000 products, allowing individuals to set up their own store at no cost, and seamlessly enter the world of commerce.?
Education and skill-building are some of the main priorities of all countries, we established an online education platform, which allowed individuals to follow paid and free courses to enhance their knowledge and skills, it even allows instructors to develop and offer their own courses online.
These are just a few of our Social Enterprises and they are constantly growing, where there is a need, we will establish a social enterprise to address it. You can view a list of other social enterprises, services, initiates that OTI Group offers here.
Other than social enterprises, we also undertake a variety of research and educational projects.
OTI Group has offices in London and Nicosia, with 16 subsidiaries in 16 countries and is in the process of opening branches in all 27 EU member states, with a goal to have all 27 branches established by the end of 2025.
By 2030 we aim to have established branches on every continent with offices in major cities around the globe.
OTI Group currently has over 320 networked partners across the globe.
Core Values:
OTI Group has 4 main core values which embody the work we undertake; we add to these values as the needs of our communities grow.
We support life in all forms.?Our life initiative aims to overcome poverty and help people become independent again.?We aim to eradicate homelessness by offering these people housing, helping them find their feet, offering education and training and employment so that they can, again, be active members of our society.?Support is also offered to families in disadvantaged areas.
#Education is the cornerstone of our future development.?We invest in people through a variety of university scholarship programs, offering educational programs, skill and competence-building activities and helping the best talent get into the best schools to develop their natural talents.
We aim to create #employment opportunities to overcome the huge unemployment we face in our world.?Through our initiatives, social enterprises and network of partners, we aim to reduce unemployment.?We will also invest in the most innovative business ideas, to boost our economies and increase our employment potential.?
Protecting our #environment is at the core of our beliefs.?We will start by rebuilding our forests, educating our communities and building sustainable communities, reducing pollution and creating sustainable communities with a smaller carbon footprint.?
Investment Opportunities:?
Although we are a Not-for-profit Organisation, there is always the opportunity to invest in our ventures.?You’ll be surprised at the possible return on your investment though. When establishing new Social Enterprises, some are established as companies with shareholders and dividends are paid out to shareholders and investors.?Our portion of profits is always reinvested into our causes and new social enterprises.?
We also offer investment opportunities for specific projects with lucrative repayment schemes that offer great returns on investment.
The possibilities are endless, with the only limitations being the ones we set ourselves.
If you are interested in investing in one of our ventures, feel free to contact us.?If you want to support our causes, visit our community support site here.
Get Involved:
Whether you have a cause you believe we should support or if you want to contribute to your community through our actions, you can always get involved by contacting us or supporting our causes, or by subscribing and following us on various social media channels.?
What’s Next:
We have a vast array of #projects that we are currently working on, from finance to fintech, from the metaverse to #community centres.?Follow us on our social media platforms and on our website to get updates on all new and upcoming projects.