The Making of the Ether Logo
Marco Ippaso
Creative Head, Marketing, Branding, Design, Strategy, Product and Team Guru.
I have been asked a few times as to what is the initial process involved with regards to designing a logo. The beginning steps are relatively similar regardless of whether it's a company providing a product or service, large or small. Whether the logo is new, evolutionary or rebrand.
I always begin with a client consultation to determine parameters and devise a specific logo brief. Typical subjects and questions covered are what is desired, what does the business do, who is the target audience, what is the demographic of the typical user; income, age, location, sex, marital status, culture, anything to help develop a consumer profile?
Is the product or service purchased through a distributor of some kind, or is it purchased directly by the end-user customer? In essence who is the business selling the product to? The designing and purchasing criteria are very different. Simply put, a distributor buys exclusively to make a profit, thereby the purchasing criteria depends upon the easier and more profitable the product is to buy and sell, the better. Selling directly to the consumer however, is a completely different kettle of fish. End user purchasing criteria are more typically akin to value, quality, performance, longevity, prestige ...... all product/service dependent.
It is essential to determine and understand how and to whom the product will be marketed, to effectively commence a branding strategy, of which the logo will form the cornerstone.
Once the buyer and consumer are determined, the product or service specifics need to be defined. What are the special differentiating features and benefits? How does the competition compare?
Next are aspirational questions such as where will the organization be in say 5 years, size, changes, what's to come, desired markets, client profile changes?
Is the name appropriate for the business, does it best describe what it does, does it differentiate itself from the competition, is it easy to market, is the URL available, does it have the right vibe and will it appeal to the target audience?
With name defined, as well the WHO (who the company is), WHAT (as in what it does), WHY (why is it better), and HOW MUCH (where does the pricing sit compared to the competition), we can begin to accumulate a complete picture from which to work.
What are the client likes and dislikes - color, style, ideas, look - in addition to determining the anticipated logo uses.
Now perhaps is the time to talk nerdy, design technical turkey! The logo is actually what designers term and think of as the stylized version of the name of the company. If we use Facebook as an example; when you see the whole word - Facebook - written in lowercase blue in a modified Klavika font you are looking at the logo.
The white-out f in the blue circle or square is known as the symbol.
When both the logo and symbol are shown together, then that to a design branding geek, is known as the configuration!
So why should you care? Sometimes if the name is short the logo will suffice and no symbol is required. Often a configuration includes a tag line or URL, especially on start-ups, where the brand is unknown. It's important to analyze the full requirements and intended uses of any business, in order to determine exactly what should be designed to provide maximum versatility.
At the end of the consultation a clear brief is agreed upon with all the important determining factors defined. This becomes the foundation of any logo design.
With a solid clear understanding of the business and the brief in hand, the creative process can begin. The first stage is to research any competition, determine the likes and dislikes of their utilized branding and ensure no unintended similarities will exist. Follow up research consists of looking at related company websites that sell or service a similar client demographic with a conducive distribution structure.
Armed with likes and dislikes of what others have done, it's time to open Adobe illustrator and start roughing ideas. Usually with a series of 10 to 20 evolutionary but different preliminary drafts ........
With the process described, it's time to see things in action, with different ideas evolving and click below to visit the making of the logo ether:
Should you need branding advice or help, please don't hesitate in contacting me.