Making Each Other Better – April 2023
EGN Singapore (Executives' Global Network)
A Conversation with Tom Goodwin, Innovation Leader & Author of Digital Darwinism
In a recent interview with Nick Jonsson, MD with EGN SG, MY & ID, speaker and writer Tom Goodwin spoke about the need to revamp the education system to focus on skills that make humans unique, such as creativity and empathy, instead of training people to be similar to machines.
Tom is a trends, innovation, and transformation expert, and the founder of All We Have Is Now (AWHIN, Inc), an innovation consultancy. He emphasized the importance of relationships and trust and suggested a complete overhaul of the curriculum.
Goodwin recently spoke at an in-person event hosted by EGN Singapore, where he discussed human-centered design, service expertise, and mobile-first thinking. He also shared insights on how businesses can adapt and thrive in the post-digital and post-pandemic age. The event showcased examples of companies driving change in the world and provided specific strategies that can be applied to culture, processes, structure, and thinking.
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