Making Difficult Decisions

Making Difficult Decisions

Have there been times in your life when making a decision was really difficult?

Plenty of times!

There are some ways to help you understand that not all decisions are right on target.

If you have to pick a school or work that offers everything you need but may be out of reach financially, do you take that leap of faith to test the waters?

Difficult to say…..

What if you made a decision already and there’s just something about it that makes you feel uneasy? Do you let it play out or take the other road and turn back?

Tough Decision…..

What happens when you are offered an opportunity and you say “yes” or “no” but then later have regrets because you didn’t think it all the way through.


These are things that happen to us all, but life is like that, God gives us opportunities to embrace our life and learn from how we make decisions. Recently I have learned is that after making a decision I feel peace about it, God has given me a great tool to understand that not everything I pursue is going to work out ( and I have pursued a lot of different things throughout my life). I believe God leads you to calm waters when your decisions are in line with His will. But if you start doing something that’s in left field, the Holy Spirit will guides you back, although your will can at times fight against the will of God until you learn that God’s way is better than your way. Thank Him for that!

Many great and historical men and women have made life changing history through prayer and waiting to be lead. Praying before you make difficult decisions will help you make them with a knowing that God will bring that choice to you even if it’s a difficult one to an end that will help you understand your situation and it’s outcome.  

   Proverbs 16:9

In their hearts humans plan their course,

  but the Lord establishes their steps.

 In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed in distress over the suffering He was going to go through, to be a sacrifice for us all, on that cross. That decision made a difference in our eternity and where we will spend it. Jesus knew that decision was for you, that his suffering would be temporary but the blood would cover a multitude of sins.

My prayer for you today is that you would commit your life to Jesus. 

          He can and will turn your life around.

James 4:14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

This life will come and go like the wind but to have a relationship with Jesus, 

                      that’s an eternal decision. 

Shalom, Nancy


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