Making Difficult Business Decisions
I hold rather high standards in my business. Though many times due to monetary fears I have held on to certain toxic situations; abusive situations.
It takes courage to say enough.
And I know my personality. I really have to be pushed far far far to finally say ...enough. I am loyal; I give people the benefit of the doubt; I give people chances; I provide people with opportunities to grow and change.
But sometimes the time comes when you have to look out for yourself, your family, your well being, and the future of your business.
I write this short article to say to anyone reading this... if there is a situation in your life - business or otherwise, please look out for yourself, your family, your business. We sometimes feel like other people will do their part - but when it comes down to it some decisions are really only up to us.
I recommend evaluating what is going on by putting yourself in the shoes of the other person to see if you can see another side. Then take time to sit with what is going on. I personally do that through my yoga practice. Other people use meditation, breathwork, walks in nature. And make a decision from a clear empowered honest place. And it may take courage. I may bring up many fears. But have faith it will work out and you'll look back proud of yourself.
Jennifer Ellis is the Owner of Life Enlightenment. Empowering speakers, authors, and others in the public eye to get themselves out into the world loud and proud in order to enlighten the lives of others. She currently has a couple of new client openings. Inquire at: