Making a Difference - A Self Reflection
Helping others and making a difference in the world, no matter how small, is what will help to make the world a better place and improve people’s lives. Yes, it may be true that few will have the greatness to bend history itself albeit each of us can work to change a small portion of events, to contribute in some way to making things better. One person at a time, one day at a time, and one project at a time, we can make that difference that will leave a lasting impact on the World, our World.
A buddy asked me recently why I bothered to contribute monthly to ‘feeding a kid’ program. He said that there are just too many sad stories in our World now and Government/people who can make a difference are not doing anything. Will my action really change anything much?!
Remembering the time that we were in Malacca, Malaysia watching sea turtles hatching. I told him what my old man did when we saw a bale of sea Turtles who seems disoriented and were struggling deeper into shore than heading towards the sea. The tides were clearly residing fast and with every minute, the chances of these turtles surviving are diminishing. My Dad took however many he could and brought them back into the sea. Now, we know better not to interfere with nature and rule of the sea. However, this is what he said to me. ‘Son, I know that we may not be able to save all of them and there are probably many more that we don’t know of and can’t do anything about. Nonetheless, I know for Today, we sure made a difference to this one, this one and this one...’ as he put the turtles, one by one into the sea.
Let me narrate another story that may drive home the angle that I am coming from. In the room in which you currently are, look up at the ceiling. What is the size of the light bulb compared to the size of the room? It is probably a ratio of 1:8000. Yet, darkness flees the entire space once the small bulb is flipped on. We are the lights of the world, the "little me, little us" have the ability to make big things happen. Sometimes, because we feel outnumbered or overwhelmed at the sheer magnitude of evil or wrong-doers, we may choose powerlessness and decide to go with the flow, not standing up for what we believe is right.
Little doesn't mean insignificant. We are significant. Our presence should make a BIG difference. Stop waiting to be on the side of the majority. They may be the majority albeit they are the trivial majority and you are the impactful minority. They are the room of the world and you are the light of the world. Make your influence felt! Always remember that we are the world's seasoning, to make it beautiful.
I opine no matter how big or small our actions are, we clearly make a difference as long as we are doing something positive. Otherwise, it will be an awful waste of us being humans. As a matter of facts, we do that everyday, by the choices we make, the actions we take and they affect those around us - a child, someone's life, our community, our society, our loved ones, us – you and I.
Kindness can transform someone's dark moment with a blaze of light. You'll never know how much your caring matters for even small acts can make a huge difference in other peoples’ lives more than we can imagine. Trust me, I have been a recipient. It's these actions, not necessarily the results of the actions that are important. What people see you do may not be remembered; what they hear you say may be forgotten albeit how they feel your intervention in their times of need will forever be remembered.
Our World is a crazy place, especially during recent times. We have to do something;- may be recognize the humanity of others, respect their dignity, donate to a good cause, volunteer your services, leave kind words, save the Earth, spend quality time with family, be civil minded, make a difference, do well and even more importantly, do good, no matter how small. It may not be in our power, may not even be in our lifetime, that there'll be any impacts albeit that doesn't mean we stop doing them.
Like the saying goes, we may never know what results come from our action. But if we do nothing, there will be no result. Indeed I am only one albeit I am one. Maybe, I can’t do everything but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do. Don’t get me wrong please, for I never said to be like me. I am saying be yourself and make a difference and for that, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you sincerely. Have a great weekend people. Peace and Love always.
(Disclaimer : I offer articles of differing perspectives that have some raw truths that I identify with, albeit in no way am I saying that this is right or correct as we all have our own heart to follow. I'm open to many perspectives and thoughts and it's my way of sharing my ever evolving thoughts and understanding, of my own realizations, self love and journeys, which comes from time spent in solitude and self reflection. These are mirrors to help us, to help me understand ourselves / me better.
All rights and acknowledgement goes to the author of these stories, not just me.)
Regional Country Manager, ASEAN, Taiwan and Hong Kong
5 年For those of u who DM. Yes, I am good. Thanks for your concerns. I do spend a lot of time in self-reflection and this is one of my anchors. It really helps bring things into perspective. Perhaps, u should try doing that too.
TOTALENERGIES Head of Offshore Wind Structures dpt - Master in Renewable Marine Energies
5 年My father told me: “you can look at the sea as a huge mass of water or as the addition of billions of tiny drops”