On Making a Difference
Chapter Twenty-One
As I look back on my life, one theme emerges – a life well-lived is one that is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others. From my childhood, I see how certain individuals, like my mother and my Scoutmaster, made a significant difference in my life, laying the groundwork for who I would become. The best way for me to pay tribute to these giants in my life has been to approach life as a servant leader, striving to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those around me. I have always made an effort to acknowledge the people who have made a difference in my life. This desire to make a difference, in turn, motivated me to pursue a career in education.
What I tried to do in my career was not so much to help students gain academic successes but to develop their potential and to help them become strong, confident, independent-thinking young men and women properly equipped and prepared to take their proper places in our society. It was also the special indescribable traditions and spirit of each school and educational community which I have been a part of, which helped me carry out my task.
Seeking to bring out the best in all my students and colleagues through character development, skills training and leadership mentoring has been a wonderful experience, bringing much joy (but oftentimes tears as well) and satisfaction. I hope that my efforts have made a difference in each and every one of their lives.
I am thankful to all of you who have touched my life, for enriching it with so many everlasting and endearing memories.God bless you all.
Tan Boon Lin