Making a Difference
Dave Sanderson Top 100 Keynote Leadership, Sales, and Resilience Speaker | #MiracleOnTheHudson Survivor | Author and Publisher | 37 Year Top Sales Producer | Swims with Navy SEALs & Special Ops | Honorary Call Sign "Miracle"
One of the biggest joys I have had since the "Miracle on the Hudson" has been the opportunity to travel and meet so many interesting and impactful people. In the past 7 years, I have spoken over 700 times around the world and each time I meet someone who's life mission is to make a difference. Many people talk about it, few people actually do it.
People ask me all the time about my time when I served Tony Robbins and his team. There are many things I learned from Tony and his crew. And there is something that I noticed over and over. Tony teaches many life changing strategies that you can use to change your life but most of the time I have noticed that when he shares his phenomenal mindset, few people actually employ what he shares. I believe that day on the Hudson River, all the things I learned from Tony and in my life either intellectually or intuitively came into play, from "managing my state" or "making it a must" or "sensory acuity" as I shared in "Moments Matter". I believe if I hadn't invested in myself and had proximity with a master, that day may have ended a little differently. I don't know if I made a difference that day but I do believe that everyone together that day played the roles and used the skills they learned to make a difference and is why the "Miracle on the Hudson" will always resonate around the world. One thing that Tony teaches that had a major impact on me is what he calls the "Six Human Needs". I use this skill set every day in just about every interaction I have. It has helped me meet and be in proximity of so many unique and difference-making people. The one "Human Need" that I believe that has changed me the most is the need for contribution. I write about that in my book "Moments Matter". I believe that it, along with need for growth, are the two most important needs we all have. I get asked all the time about if Tony really 'walks his talk' about contribution. And unequivocally I can say he does. He does not ask anyone to do something that he has not done. That was shown again recently when Tony helped the Tenderloin Soup Kitchen in San Francisco. He makes a difference with just about everything he does and has been a role model for me as I try to make a difference when I speak and my support for the Red Cross. They make a difference every moment of every day and I not only honor what they do, I want to be a part of helping them make a difference. I made a commitment in 2009 with the executive team at the Red Cross to take this "Miracle" to every state so they can be impacted and that is why last week when I launched my book and spoke in Toronto, I now want to take the "Miracle" to every province in Canada with the Canadian Red Cross.
Rania Walker, who represents me in Canada, did a fantastic job of putting together a media tour that was in sync with my message and my mission. I'll be sharing more about that in future posts. Last week I had the honor to be interviewed for a segment on Global TV by Susan Hay. I met Susan via email with Rania a couple of weeks before I went to Toronto. I sent her a copy of "Moments Matter" so she could do her research. Before we started the interview, she told me she was reading it to her daughter and her daughter was riveted by my story and asked her to keep reading. That made my day. Not only did Susan learn about me but now it is impacting her daughter. As I was doing my research on Susan, Susan has quite a background and making a difference in Canada. Susan continues to dedicate her free time to working with many charitable organizations and is a spokesperson for Toronto’s Ronald McDonald House, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada, REACH for the Rainbow and the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario. She sits on the board for Ronald McDonald House. For the past 13 years, She has co-hosted Toronto’s Santa Claus Parade, an annual favorite that is broadcast in four countries. In 2003, she visited Africa with World Vision to help children who have been orphaned by AIDS. The efforts resulted in a one-hour show, which garnered a Telly, an American Industry Award for Excellence in TV and Commercial Broadcasting. She made a second trip to Voi, Kenya in East Africa in August 2005 and Tanzania in 2006 to build a school and transform lives. She not only makes a difference with her segment "Making a Difference" but she actually "walks her talk". She was the perfect person for me to speak with and share some distinctions I have not shared before in the media. Here are the interview and blog that Susan wrote. I only wish we had more time and she had more time, maybe next time I'm in Toronto we'll be able to do that, either on camera or supporting her causes she supports or supporting the Canadian Red Cross in Ontario.
The older I get and the more people I meet, making a difference, seems to be one of the key qualities that take someone from being good or excellent to being outstanding and affecting others lives positively. I'm honored and humbled to have had the opportunity to be around so many outstanding people that are references for "making a difference". Last week I met many: I wrote last week about Dan McTeague who helped rescue hostages and served the Canadian parliament. Susan Hay made a major impact on me about serving and in future blogs, I'll be sharing about more people who make a difference I have had the privilege to meet. We all need to have as many references for good in this world. And that is why I think the "Miracle on the Hudson" will always resonate. People need to hear about the good in this world where there is so much bad. As General Schwarzkopf told me years ago, "when given the opportunity to lead, lead". So, when given the opportunity to serve, SERVE and make a difference. until next time, remember that all the MOMENTS in your life MATTER.
I’m excited to share that we’ll have a book signing of “Moments Matter” on 4/23/16 in Winchester, VA, my hometown, at the Winchester Book Gallery from 11-1pm EDT. I would be honored if you are close to Winchester if you would join me!
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Dave Sanderson is the Managing Partner of his firm, Dave Sanderson Speaks Enterprises based out of Charlotte, NC. On January 15, 2009, Dave was the last passenger off the plane that crashed into the Hudson River, best known as “The Miracle on the Hudson” and was largely responsible for making sure so many others made it out safely. In addition to speaking and training, Dave conducts workshops and his book was released titled “Moments Matter” on January 19, 2016, in which he discusses how by employing 12 key resources was a key factor that turned a potential tragedy into the “Miracle on the Hudson” and how does one take a potentially tragic experience and turn it into an opportunity to grow and contribute. He and his wife, Terri, reside in Charlotte, NC. They have four children, Chelsey, Colleen, Courtney, and Chance.
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