Making a difference
Waste has always been an issue throughout the world and how to manage it in the most cost effective way. Even though CBS Waste strives to keep our materials sent to landfill to the minimum, the statistics globally however are still extremely high. But, if we all work together, change can be made quicker.
Mankind generates about 2 billion tonnes of waste every year globally, so that’s roughly about 400 million elephants. That’s a heck of a lot of elephants!
So, how can you make a difference to this statistic within an office environment?
- Print on both sides of the paper, and do not print if you do not have to. Use any “rubbish” papers as scrap. Saves on use of paper, the use of notepads and the post-it notes.
- To reduce errors in print, always check the article before pressing the button as margin sizes and incorrect number of prints could result in a lot of wasted sheets. Fit the content to the sheet.
- Draft settings when printing an article or printing in black uses less ink. And, by buying refillable ink cartridges means you don’t throw them away every time they are empty.
- Make sure there are clearly labelled bins in the office and kitchen area for recyclable goods.
- Reuse where possible any packaging. Unfortunately packaging is still a massive issue even though the volume of use is gradually decreasing.
- Set competitions for staff to see who is the best at recycling, and any tips can then be shared.
- Reduce the amount of paper used in the office by simply using tea-towels instead of kitchen towels and hand-towels instead of paper towels.
- The average person drinks from 3 cups upwards during a working day, take your own cup into work. Not only does it make it personal to you, the content will also taste so much better than plastic or paper.
- Recycle any electrical and electronic goods and try to become a paperless office by scanning and storing all company paperwork for both staff and clients online.
- Refurbish furniture where possible.
- For any printed marketing materials, source printers that use vegetable based inks and can offer recycled paper.
Call us on 01480 220434 and let us help you achieve your waste and recycling goals.