Making Decisions are literally endless
Jayne Bryson
Functional Medicine Practitioner & Transformational Coach for Stress, Fatigue, Anti-ageing + Weight Management
Every single day, we are faced with countless decisions.
Should we come, should we go?
Should we take on a new lifestyle change?
Should we eat a Paleo diet or a vegan diet?
Should we do a water fast?
It's literally endless...
Some of these decisions are small and insignificant, like what to have for breakfast or what color shirt to wear. Others are much more significant, like whether to accept a new job offer or move to a new city. Regardless of the size or importance of the decision, making the right choice is essential for our happiness and success in life.
Many people mistakenly believe that the key to making good decisions is to weigh all of the pros and cons carefully before coming to a conclusion.
However, this approach is often ineffective and can actually lead to more stress and anxiety. The truth is that most of us are not very good at predicting the future, so trying to assess all of the potential outcomes of a decision is often futile.
Instead, the key to making good decisions is to develop a clear and concise decision-making process that you can follow each time you are faced with a choice.
This process should start with identifying your goal or desired outcome.
Once you know what you want, you can then begin to consider your options and make a decision based on which option is most likely to help you achieve your goal. Of course, there will always be some uncertainty when making decisions.
There is a precise structure to decision-making that, once followed, will allow you to tap into your true success in life.
This process begins with getting clear on what you want.
What are your values?
What are your goals?
Once you have a good understanding of what you want, the next step is to gather information.
This means doing your research and being as informed as possible about all of your options.
After you have collected all of the necessary information, it's time to make a decision.
You can ask yourself the questions:
Do I want it?
If I had it would I still want it?
Am I prepared to do what it takes?
If I had the resources would I do it?
This can be a difficult step, but it's important NOT to trust your gut, purely for the fact that when you do move towards what it is that you are wanting you may feel uncomfortable. Only because it's new to you and perhaps never tried it. Your unconscious always wants you to stay safe as it's going on past experiences you have already taken
I would recommend you go with your INTUITION, 100%. Tap into that 6th sense, that higher faculty as Bob Proctor would call it.
If you're not used to listening to your intuition, you may not be aware of the ways it tries to get your attention.
Your intuition is always communicating with you, even if you're not tuned in to its frequency.
One way to become more attuned to your intuition is to consciously pay attention to the existing communication channels you already have. For example, if you tend to notice physical sensations when something important is about to happen, make a note of those sensations and what they feel like.
If you often have strong inner reactions or "hunches" about people or situations, take note of those too. By paying attention to the ways your intuition already speaks to you, you can begin to understand its language and become more fluent in its communication.
As a result, you'll be better able to listen to and act on your intuition's guidance.
In the process of you making that decision and you take your action steps you will come up with RESISTANCE. You will be moving forward by taking some actions when you will feel the need to stop or even question yourself.
Once you remove the RESISTANCE to it all, there is only space for you to take aligned action.
There is a process that I teach my clients where whenever they come against any excuses, triggers, old patterns, old beliefs, or negative self-talk ~ we do a process that enables us to tap into our higher consciousness and remove anything in the way. It’s based on neuroscience and it’s extremely effective. I would highly recommend speaking to me further about this if you feel you constantly oscillate between what is it you are wanting and where you are now.
Solution on how you can move forward:
Step 1: Decide on what it is you truly want
Step 2: Intuitively tap into your inner guidance system
Step 3: Remove all resistance along the way
Step 4: Visualise your desired reality constantly
Step 5: Take an aligned action
This is the only way to make your dreams a reality.
If any of this resonates with you, just email or DM me via messenger and we’ll have a chat to see if we are a good match to work together,
Jayne xo