Making the Decision to Play Full Out
One of the things I used to dread is writing, although I was told by my business coaches that I needed to do more of it. I would dibble and dab in it for a while and write a couple blogs. I even joined a 30-day Facebook blogging challenge, but of course I didn't finish.
I was also told by my coaches and others that I needed to write a book. "You are a storyteller," they would say. "Your story needs to be told through writing and speaking. The speaking part was no problem. I was extremely passionate about that.
The amazing thing is that I was asked to co-present a workshop titled "Locking Your Full Potential." As I was preparing for the workshop I felt the content of it speaking directly to me. Break out of your comfort zone...Be consistent...Dare to be Different...Be willing to do the things you don't like...were just a few of the things that jumped out at me. One of the exercises included writing down a list of things that you should be doing in life and/or business, but you have been reluctant to do so.
Writing, there it was again! If I was completing the exercise myself, I would have to put it at the top of my list. The question to myself at that time was, "Why was I running from it?" If I was to be honest with my self, the simple truth is because I just didn't like it.
What I also realized at the time is that I was not practicing what I was preaching. I coached my clients to go all out and to bust down their comfort zones. I always told them that to get the things they always wanted, they must do the things that they sometimes did not like.
From that day I vowed to go full out, even if it was something that I did not love. I would my all into everything I did and not just the things that brought me joy.
Believe it or not I have actually become fond of writing. I have my own blog, have authored a book and co-authored several others. Currently I am working on a workbook and am having tons of fun doing it.
If you are anything like I was and are putting things off because it isn't something you like, take Nike's advice and Just Do Tt. Especially if it is something that will take you to the next level or will be beneficial in serving others. Just as I did, you may find that it is not that bad and you might actually become fond of it.