Making Contact | May 2024

Making Contact | May 2024

Hi, there! ?? Thanks for checking out Laivly’s newsletter, Making Contact. Each month, we share with you fresh insight from our own industry experts, a few news stories that caught our attention, and a quick roundup of what’s happening at Laivly. Stay in our orbit by clicking subscribe!

Constellation Starter ?

How can tech companies prioritize user well-being and ethical considerations when designing AI-powered products and services? Laivly founder and CEO Jeff Fettes has given this plenty of thought as the leader of an organization that promotes and values ethics in every facet of its operation. “Educate, educate, educate your tech teams,” he says. “While processes and systems are essential, understanding and believing in the why behind ethical AI is crucial. This belief transforms team members into champions of ethics, who can then extend these values throughout the industry and into other companies.”

What ethical AI practices do you look for in a tech vendor? How big a role does ethics play in your CX-tech research?

Satellite News

?? Still researching CX AI tools? Your agents may have already gone rogue. The 2024 Microsoft Work Trend Index Annual Report found that 78% of workers use AI tools without their company’s knowledge. (Sidd specializes in speedy implementation. Just sayin’.)

?? Calling all corporate brand CX leaders! Did you know that Execs In The Know has an online members-only community exclusively for you where you can learn, share, network, and collaborate with other CX pros in a sales-free space? Bonus: It’s free to join! Tell ’em Laivly sent you.

?? Want to sound smarter in conversations about AI (or simply have a better grasp of what it can do)? Software engineer and technical writer Miguel Grinberg has your back with this approachable explanation of how LLMs work. Okay, it’s not exactly The Cat in the Hat, but you don’t need a mathematics degree to understand it.?

Laivly Transmissions

?? Laivly founder and CEO Jeff Fettes offers tips on how to embrace the new “transformation” while avoiding the years-long-project trap over on the Execs In The Know blog.

?? Ready to start building your roadmap for AI and automation in your contact center? We did a deep dive into the most common barriers to adoption and what you can do to overcome them.

?? Have you heard about Sidd Spark? Check out this video for a quick introduction, then have a look around our YouTube channel to see if anything else catches your eye.

?? We’ll be at Contact Center Week in Las Vegas, June 3-6. Visit us at booth 833 for a demo (and see what all the fuss is about)! Can’t make it to CCW? Check out where else we’re headed on our events page.

Thanks for making contact with us! We'll see you again next month. ??



