Making a claim for dust diseases
You may be able entitled to financial and health care support from Dust Diseases Care if you have a NSW work-related dust disease.
Applying for compensation from Dust Diseases Care is free, and we can assist you with making your application.
The sooner you make your application, the sooner Dust Diseases Care can contact you to facilitate your early and timely access to care and support. Dust Diseases Care accepts applications lodged at any time.
You may be entitled to receive compensation if you have been diagnosed with a dust disease caused by your exposure to harmful dust as a worker in NSW. The harmful dusts include asbestos, silica and other harmful workplace dusts. These dust diseases are Mesothelioma, Asbestosis, asbestos induced carcinoma, asbestos related pleural disease, Silicosis, Silicosis Tuberculosis, Aluminosis, Bagassosis, Berylliosis, Byssinosis, Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis (Black Lung), Farmer’s Lung, hard metal Pneumoconiosis and Talcosis.
Dust Diseases Care may also cover other conditions affecting the lungs, pleura or peritoneum that can also cause one of the diseases listed above.
Dust diseases are rare and usually slow to develop. Most dust diseases take at least 10 years to develop from the time of first exposure to the harmful dust.
Dust diseases are usually detected during a medical examination. The examination is usually carried out by a doctor experienced in respiratory medicine.
Sometimes the examination will identify that you have pleural plaques. The presence of pleural plaques is an indicator that you have been exposed to asbestos. However, it is not a dust disease.
Once you submit your application to Dust Diseases Care, it will assess your eligibility for compensation and care.
You will likely be interviewed by one of its industrial history officers, who also will gather information about your exposure to harmful dusts while at work.?
A decision will be made on whether you have a dust disease and are eligible to receive financial and care support.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.