Making The Church a Place Where Those Who Struggle With Mental Illness Can Find Help
Mental disorders comprise 10.4% of the global disease burden (Trautmann et al., 2016); this means that over 700 million people meet the criteria for a common mental disorder. In America, one in five adults experiences a mental illness and the situation is not different in the church, where research shows that one in four pastors and congregants have a mental illness (Lifeway Research, 2014).
Despite the high prevalence of mental disorders globally, individuals and societies are yet to embrace mental illness as they do other physical ailments. This attitude towards mental disorders and those who experience them can also be found in the church.
A study by Lifeway revealed that most protestant pastors seldom speak about mental illness to their congregations (Lifeway Research, 2014) despite the church being where people go first for help with mental issues before seeking professional help (Mantovani et al., 2017).
?"Yet if I speak, my pain is not relieved; and if I refrain, it does not go away." (Job 16:6, Bible gateway NIV).
A study by Stanford (2007) on the attitudes and beliefs Christians with a mental illness encounter while seeking help from the church revealed that many of the study participants were accepted by the church; however, 30% reported negative interactions such as being told that their illness was the result of personal sin or the working of demons.
Other studies reveal reports of embarrassment, guilt, and community estrangement of people with mental health problems (Freeman & Baldwin, 2020). Research shows that many Christians love to hear their pastors talk about mental health, but the percentage of pastors who do so is little.
So, how can we make the church a place where Christians and anyone else can come and find help for their mental struggles? The following are some suggestions and recommendations:
1.???? Increasing pastors' knowledge about mental illnesses
The clergy has played and continues to play a significant role in caring for its parishioners with mental health challenges. Moreover, though research shows that many pastors can identify several symptoms of mental illness (Stull et al., 2020)), it also indicates that they lack adequate training to meet the needs of these parishioners and the knowledge to know when to refer them to expert treatment (Chevalier et al., 2015).
Studies also show that pastors are more likely to use prayer and other spiritual exercises as treatment options for mental illnesses, excluding any other treatment options (Kpobi & Swartz, 2018).
Increasing the mental health literacy of pastors and church leaders can help reduce the stigma emerging from the church. Pastors can obtain mental health training designed specifically for Christian clergy, considering the multiple dimensions of man- spirit, soul, body, and relationships.
2.???? Integrating Mental Health Education into Sunday Sermons
Houses of worship have served as places where various issues such as poverty, abortion, and marriage are discussed (Olufowote & Matusitz, 2016). By integrating mental health into their sermons, pastors can disseminate accurate messages about mental health issues.
They can use stories from the Bible to encourage a message of love and care for those with mental health issues and dispel false beliefs about mental disorders and their treatment options.
For example, pastors can talk about Bible characters such as David, Jeremiah, and Jacob, who experienced psychological distress (Psalm 43:5, Jeremiah 20:14-18, Genesis 37:34-35). Or Job, Elijah, and Jonah, who had suicidal ideations (Job 7:15-16, 1 Kings 19:4, Jonah 4:3). Reference can also be made to Jesus's treatment of people with mental illnesses He encountered during His ministry (Luke 8: 26-39, Mark 9:14-29).
3.???? Provide Mental Health Education/Resources
Topics on mental health can be added to already existing Christian education that takes place in the church. A class led by a mental health professional who is also a member of the church can be a great avenue where members of the congregation can learn more about several mental health issues and how to relate to those with a mental illness.
Also, an inventory of mental health resources in the community and vetted mental health professionals can be compiled and made available to the congregation via the church's website or through pamphlets or leaflets.
4.???? Embracing All Without Judgement
On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick..." (Mark 2:17).
The church should be where everyone can share their struggles without fear of dismissal or rebuke. We can be like Job's friends, who showed great compassion and sat silently with him for seven days at the beginning of their visit.
Unfortunately, many of us in the church have acted like Job's friends, who later began to accuse him of sin and became an additional sorrow. If the church ought to be like a hospital, we must anticipate and accept those with mental health issues and provide them with the love and care they need.
5.???? Provide Support to Individuals with Mental Illnesses and Their Families
When we hear that a church member has been diagnosed with cancer or a severe physical illness, our response is usually that of concern. We quickly reach out to help, send meals, pray for them, and encourage them and their family.
The case is often different when it comes to mental illnesses. Often, church members tend to withdraw from the individual; no meals are taken to them, and rarely are they followed up on. The church can encourage its congregants to offer the same love and support to those struggling with a mental illness as those going through other difficulties.
Churches have made a significant impact in our world and they continue to be pioneers in bringing reformation to their congregants and their environs. Paying attention to the mental health needs of their members will be vital in sustaining the momentum of spiritual growth and community influence, as the church can only thrive to the extent that it is whole spiritually, physically, mentally, and relationally.
Chevalier, L., Goldfarb, E., Miller, J., Hoeppner, B., Gorrindo, T., & Birnbaum, R. J. (2015;2014;). Gaps in preparedness of clergy and healthcare providers to address mental health needs of returning service members.?Journal of Religion and Health,?54(1), 327-338.?
Freeman, N., & Baldwin, I. (2020). Attitudes towards mental illness in American evangelical communities, supernaturalism, and stigmatization. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 23(8), 691-702.
Kpobi, L. N. A., & Swartz, L. (2018b). 'The threads in his mind have torn': Conceptualization and treatment of mental disorders by neo-prophetic Christian healers in Accra, Ghana.?International Journal of Mental Health Systems,?12(1), 40-40.?
Lifeway Research (September 2014). One in four pastors and congregants suffer from mental illness.
Mantovani, N., Pizzolati, M., & Edge, D. (2017). Exploring the relationship between stigma and help-seeking for mental illness in African-descended faith communities in the UK. Health expectations: An international journal of public participation in health care and health policy, 20(3), 373–384.
Olufowote, J., & Matusitz, J. (2016). "How dark a world it is… where mental health is poorly treated": Mental illness frames in sermons given after Sandy Hook shooting. Health communication, 31(12), 1539-1547.
Stanford, M. (2007). Demon or disorder: A survey of attitudes toward mental disorder in the Christian Church. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 10(5), 445-449.
Stull, L. G., Harness, J., Miller, M., & Taylor, A. (2020). Attitudes about mental illness among seminary students: A qualitative analysis.?Journal of Religion and Health,?59(5), 2595-2610.?
?Trautmann, S., Rehm, J., & Wittchen, H. (2016). The economic costs of mental disorders: Do our societies react appropriately to the burden of mental disorders??EMBO Reports,?17(9), 1245-1249.?
Founder of Renew the View, LLC. Shifting mindsets | Transforming lives???? Mindset & Wellness Coach
8 个月This is so important for the Body! I really appreciate your idea about using examples of people in the Bible who expressed some levels of mental distress (although some would deny this).