Making Calls, Teaching, Training, and My Moist Brain, A Living Growing Criatura

Making Calls, Teaching, Training, and My Moist Brain, A Living Growing Criatura

“Having a lover/friend who regards you as a living growing criatura, being, just as much as the tree from the ground, or a ficus in the house, or a rose garden out in the side yard... having a lover and friends who look at you as a true living breathing entity, one that is human but made of very fine and moist and magical things as well... a lover and friends who support the ciatura in you... these are the people you are looking for. They will be the friends of your soul for life. Mindful choosing of friends and lovers, not to mention teachers, is critical to remaining conscious, remaining intuitive, remaining in charge of the fiery light that sees and knows.”

— Clarissa Pinkola Estés 

Thursday morning, trash day here on top of the mountain, do we do both trash and recycle or just garbage? These are the questions I must ponder at 5:38 a.m. We went to bed when it was still light out, a double rainbow, the second of the week greeted us as we looked out our bedroom window. One friend commented, he thought I already found the gold, and I agree with his assessment. I’m rich beyond measure, but not because of money. 

I’m going to start some training on one of our teammates. I’m going to run her through my six-hour program; she’s got enough knowledge to begin making calls—time to grow another segment of our business. I think many business owners have taken the stance that people are not interested in talking about new opportunities; we have found this time to be ripe with opportunity. If you make the calls, you will have success. The problem with most folks is they sit and wait for the phone to ring, business development is not reactive, it’s proactive. 

Our next Thompson Group Rocks free concert will be July 2nd. We’ve got a local young man from Parker City, IN. John Beatrice, he’s a country act, spent some time in Nashville, and he played our rooftop deck. We are raising money for the Randolph Country COVID Fund to help businesses in our area get through the pandemic.   We are averaging about $750.00 per show, and we are supporting a local artist during these unique times.

So how are you today? Are you excited about the prospects of another day, or are you afraid? Is your heart full of love, joy, and gratitude, or are you angry, frustrated, and concerned? Maybe you are somewhere on the spectrum of happiness and hate. Where ever you are, remember it is your choice to determine how you feel. If you feel bad, call a friend, if you feel happy, call a friend and share your joy. Life is about the human connection.

On our list, today are a few calls, a workout, a hike, and a run down the hill to pick up some packages.  I usually start my virtual meetings at 8:00 or 9:00, and when one gets up at 5:00, that is three hours I have to write, email, make a hard-boiled egg.  I love my mornings; this is my time. I know others who covet their evenings, evenings are my downtime, I have a lot of energy in the morning.

The Queen is up ladies and gentlemen; she will be walking down the stairs giving me some morning sugar. Another reason I love mornings, I get to sit with my partner and chat as we both sip coffee on the deck watching the sunrise. It’s a little crisp this morning; I think we will each have a blanket, the wildlife will give us a show, they always are performing some untitled play.

Are there more statues being torn down? Is the lawlessness over, or are we still throwing a tantrum? I don’t watch the news; I get clips here and there on Twitter and Parlar. Twitter is my left stream, and Parlar is my right. I use both and then use my mind to make up a reasonable opinion of events. If you are not on Parlar, you might want to join; it’s free, it’s uncensored, unfettered news with no filters.

I think most like living in an echo chamber, only getting their chosen narrative. I watched some of the hearings yesterday about William Barr. It was strange to hear the two sides bicker about facts, as the conversation goes from left to right and then back left, it’s obvious we are living in two realities.  My friend posted something about term limits and how most of us support them but rarely do we support a primary candidate to unseat a sitting congressperson.     

It’s interesting to see the low number of votes being cast in the primaries. In some districts, only 10% bothered to show up and vote, that’s 90% that don’t think they matter or are disenfranchised with the process. I will be voting absentee this year; this will be my last year to vote in Indiana. I think the tea leaves will put us in Colorado for future elections. We are moving from a red state to a purple state.  Starting to look at Texas for our beach home, there are some fascinating little cities on the coast that we will soon begin visiting to find our winter home.

At 4:00 today, we are meeting with a friend and client. Bruce was an early find for us when we joined this community. It was his recommendation that led us to Conifer, CO. We were looking at Evergreen, but he said, “look at Confier, you’ll get more for your money.” We did get more for our money and now have a breathtaking view.  Thank you, my friend.

That is enough soup for this morning, I’ve sliced, diced, and julienned the thoughts of my mind. I find it useful to clear my mind every morning. I was speaking to another friend yesterday, and he journals privately when his mind gets full. I think my daily mind share helps me keep my brain moist.  I think if I didn’t write daily, my mind would be dry and crackly. I choose wet over dry and crackly, and I recommend you do the same.

“Having a lover/friend who regards you as a living growing criatura, being, just as much as the tree from the ground, or a ficus in the house, or a rose garden out in the side yard... having a lover and friends who look at you as a true living breathing entity, one that is human but made of very fine and moist and magical things as well... a lover and friends who support the ciatura in you... these are the people you are looking for. They will be the friends of your soul for life. Mindful choosing of friends and lovers, not to mention teachers, is critical to remaining conscious, remaining intuitive, remaining in charge of the fiery light that sees and knows.”

— Clarissa Pinkola Estés 


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