Making Britain far Greater creating jobs and homes, North & South
With no doubt in the near future we shall create tremendous opportunity for the entire country attracting further worldwide investment. The nationwide effort made to vaccinate our country has been unprecedented well ahead of many by millions of jabs which proves we are still a force to be reckoned with, not just politically. We shall indeed "Keep Calm and Carry On".
The Challenge:
With only around 9% of new builds utilising Modern Methods of Construction in the UK it will be interesting to review statistics of homes built in the next 5 years. Many promises, huge press coverage, vast trumpet blowing, billions of government pounds welcomed investment with substantial modular contracts awarded (to some worryingly unproven firms), and still a considerable ‘bottleneck’ in achieving government targets.
Our Prime Minister Boris Johnson is on a mission rightly so to "Build Build Build" but what is the reality 'delivery' wise on these commanding words?
We all have own opinions on why we are still in a severe housing crisis, the reality is we need to collaborate far more effectively. This is all doable!
destroy nepotism, revolutionise archaic procedures, eradicate red tape
National apprenticeship programmes to support our young people gaining high level proven experience overseas, a genuine profession, including spending time either close to home in the Baltic States, Poland, Scandinavia, Germany, Italy, or further afield in America, Japan & China, all decades ahead with Offsite delivery. Professionals in the UK construction industry would clearly benefit from meeting some of the 50 worldwide OSM's we ACE Modular Construction have had the pleasure of building relations the past few years - adding to their traditional build experience.
I am happy to sponsor young individuals to see how Off-Site Manufacturing is properly delivered to highest levels of constant production in the Baltic States. Names pulled out from 2 different hats, one entitled "North" and one "South". Politicians even welcome to join us to see what is available, if they pay travel expenditure for themselves!
Mark Farmer's report clearly outlines the major problems we are still encountering in the construction industry. It is now 2021 and since the 1990's we have been debating the housing shortage including homes for low income families unable to obtain a mortgage. The population is growing fast, the government unable to provide housing at the rate required despite promising Billions.
We need development schemes to happen far more efficiently, quicker, using modern modular solutions already available in many countries - not having to wait years for new UK factories to be born or expanded to do so. Unfortunately the current production capability of the homegrown OSM's is vastly insufficient by far, and will remain so, inexperienced to achieve 300,000 plus homes per annum target each year over 10 years set by the government.
Consider just one of our 50 supply chain partners newest and most modern factory in the Baltic States has a production area of 22,000 m2. It manufactures more than 3,600 modules a year, corresponding to approximately 130,000 m2 of living space. And yes they are BOPAS accredited, NHBC etc.
we have the perfect opportunity to create the next generation, to make Britain Greater
The Solution:
Local authorities not all acting efficiently towards building more homes need to be more answerable ‘genuinely’ open to joint ventures that provide affordable quality homes for our great nation. All authorities must engage proficiently bar 'lip service', on the basis of an offer of investment and state of the art modern methods of construction yet too many are still riddled with bureaucracy, in-efficiency and questionable decisions still in 2021. It is unacceptable for some of those individuals promoting themselves for praise, they should be questioned in more detail why more homes are not being delivered? Some 'career politicians' craving for fame perhaps, countless failing housing ministers point scoring but essentially also not delivering as they and their teams should. We have the capability to choose from a multitude of solutions both homegrown and overseas, all methods from 3D Volumetric, Panels & Hybrid solutions which needs a 'commercial' deliverable approach.
Worldwide investors lining up to participate in the UK only to face a barrage of ridiculous complicated frameworks & bureaucracy. Investment plus state of the art quality build methods presented on a transparent bases cutting out any unnecessary development profiteering is what is needed. Everyone needs to win, not just developers, we have to house people more effectively at a reasonable cost homes that are built to last and easy to maintain.
Combine 'newbie' and more experienced homegrown Off-Site Manufacturing with ‘Overseas Super Giants’ and investment - with powerful encouragement for those giants to expand investment by building components produced in the UK. Invest in our people to create a profession they can be proud of including academies North and South. Local contractors and delivery installation partners such as Modular Connexions we partner who add critical value to the proposition towards collaborative working. We introduce them to our very best contacts and are delivering projects this year.
Our offer of help:
I welcome anybody serious to come on our journey and I am willing to sponsor young individuals to see how Off-Site Manufacturing is properly delivered to highest levels of constant production in the Baltic States. Names pulled out from 2 different hats, one entitled 'North' and one 'South'!
Finally, for the record I am proud to say my mother is from Yorkshire and my father from London - Inbox me for our solution.
Homes & Jobs - throughout Great Britain