Making Better Decisions!
The events in a human's life are often compared to pottery. The way we shape our clay determines what the end of it will look like. Some of us keep moving our hands and shaping the clay and forming different objects, while some keep our hands steady and get the perfect shape we desire. Making decisions or choosing in life is quite like this, as every decision impacts our life for better or worse.
Those who always thought that decision-making comes with maturity are slightly mistaken with this thought of theirs. Decision-making has been a part of human life since our birth. Actions in our growing years don't look like decision-making is involved because those actions do not change our future course of life, nor does it change the way people look at us or treat us. But as we grow up and enter our early teens, decision-making shapes our entire life both physically and mentally. Apart from ourselves, our decisions impact our near and dear as our value system will be judged and criticized based on our choices.
At a certain age, decision-making that began as a secondary thing in life becomes everything. Everything that we do as adults requires us to take the initiative, decide, and own up to it for better or for worse. While making any decision is relatively easy, making the correct one counts. Now many people might be wondering how it makes a difference. To answer how one can make a good decision is to introspect the past and check if they had taken a similar conclusion and the impact of that decision. This is one of the ways one can begin and then bring in various aspects before deciding on something
While a decision might be often criticized or ridiculed by many, if the decision is a combined result of helping us grow as a person in any way along with keeping our value system intact, without defying laws or humanity, then we are good to go. Those who are ridiculed now will understand in the future when they see how this decision changed our lives for good.
So go ahead and think and make every decision and see how your life changes for the better.