Making 6Fig+ And Not Taking Home More Money?

Making 6Fig+ And Not Taking Home More Money?

Making multiple-six figures and not taking any more money home than when you started your business?

Let's talk about one reason why earning double doesn't guarantee you'll have double the money in your pocket:

You may be carrying around a deep-seated belief that being a business owner means you must carry the burden on your shoulders and people are depending on you (like your team and your family), so you must take care of them first.

(I've found this sometimes results in people overpaying their team members and spending money on things they forgot about - while underpaying themselves.)

A lot of people don't realize the beliefs they're carrying. But when I do belief change work with my clients, we often dig up all sorts of stuff - based on the narratives they created, from witnessing their parents struggle and stress over owning a business.

For example, if you remember your father coming home looking really stressed about his business because he was trying to provide for the family and pay several team members year after year, you might have unknowingly developed a belief that as a business owner your primary job is to provide for others. As well, providing for others means a healthy dose of stress must come along with it! As a result, you’re in ‘must make payroll’ and ‘must save others’ mode (prioritizing team members and saving yourself for last, if at all … and even giving money to family). As well, you may be overpaying for things and have lots of unnecessary expenses (like those subscription programs you forgot about, but they didn’t forget about you! They are quietly charging your bank month after month.)

Now, I could help you with a financial strategy give you an equation to follow so you know you're going to be paid more and you're not overpaying your team. And it will work, because you can't argue with math. But because you're human and still carrying the belief about needing to provide and business being a burden, you'll likely still find another way to drain your bank account and you won’t take home an increased salary that you can now afford. And, you’ll probably still feel stressed and worried about where your money is going.

What I've found is that when I do a belief change with a client, within 24 hours they've just stopped doing certain things. What’s absolutely fascinating is, previously they never realized those things were even part of the problem! And I don't even necessarily talk with them about these things in the session - it just naturally follows once we've identified and changed the problematic belief.

So in this case, the problem of underpaying yourself might naturally begin to solve itself if we changed your belief of "business is a burden because I have to provide for other people."

The ‘ratio of pay’ equation for your employees might come across your newsfeed or come into your awareness somehow, you'll have a desire to research it and learn, or … eh hmm.. As a client of mine, I’d comb through it with you too.

A team member who wasn't a great fit anyway might decide to leave on their own.

Any number of other unexpected things might happen to help you solve the strategic problem of overpaying and bleeding expenses.

But the point is, you're back in creative problem-solving mode versus being in protection mode (fight/flight/freeze), which causes you to create a ‘stuck’ reality when you have a belief holding you back.

So how do we change a belief?

Well, in this case I'd start by asking you what belief you want to have instead.

It's important that this be in your own words.

Maybe what you come up with is, "I am rewarded for my hard work."

I use muscle testing to access your subconscious and create a state of "super learning" where you're in communication with God/spirit/your higher self.

It's like opening an app on your phone and pushing a button to allow it to upgrade to the newest version.

You're in a dialogue with your subconscious and there's a lot happening at once - could be words, images, physical sensations, emotions.

There's a menu of different things that can be done to install your new belief, and I continue the muscle testing process until we know which one(s) to use.

(This is a proven framework that has worked for thousands of people - it's not something that I'm coming up with "on the fly.")

And your new belief becomes the default program.

It takes 30 seconds to two minutes on average to do this belief change work.

And you immediately start feeling better, lighter, clearer in the head, more grounded, more confident, happier, and more hopeful.

Now that your subconscious mind has these instructions, it's like eating a salad - you don't need to instruct your digestive system how to do it’s thing, it just does it. Same with your mind and the subconscious work we do together.

And that's when all the new strategies and ways of fixing the problem come into your awareness and you're able to use those tools with ease and flow.

The best part? You'll be well on your way to paying yourself a rewarding salary that actually matches the fantastic results you're having with your business.

Which means that you'll be well on your way to creating financial peace and plenty in your life.

Speaking of financial peace and plenty…

That's what we aim to get for you in my 8-week 1:1 program for successful entrepreneurs who are picking up steam in their businesses.

The belief change work that I described in this post is a key part of our ‘money therapy’ work together.

In addition, though, I do help you with the strategic stuff too, because it’s important you know exactly what to do with your money once those pesky limiting belief monkeys are off your back

We cover how to keep more of your money and grow it in a way that's aligned with who you are and who you're becoming.

(This includes topics like cash flow planning and management for small business owners (including dealing with irregular income), investing in the stock market and real estate to make money with your money, protecting your money with insurance and tax sheltering, and much more - customizable to your needs.)

It's an awesome program that's quite different from most financial services because I don't sell products, take your investment money, or drop you into a financial strategy you are not ready for (or are not aligned with).

(A wonderful side benefit: this experience will launch you into an even better relationship with your CPAs, advisors, and all those other financial folks! hooray!)

Message me at [email protected] or right here on LinkedIn if you're interested in the program and let me know where you are with your finances right now, where you'd like to be, and what you would most like my help with.

We'll chat to see if it's a good fit, and if yes, I can get you logged into our robust learning library right away and our first session scheduled.


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