Andrea D'Souza
OD Consultant | Assessment Center Expert | Behavioural & Leadership Coach I Gamification Enabler | Author in the making
fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” - Archilocus, ca 650 BCE
The fox and the hedgehog were talking about the farmer’s annoying dog that kept harassing them. The fox said, “He’s not so much of a problem. I have fifty ways of getting away from him.” The hedgehog replied, “All I know is one way. I curl up in a tight ball.” Just then, they heard a noise in the bush. The hedgehog curled in a ball, the dog appeared, and try as he might, he couldn’t get through the mass of spines. Meanwhile, while the fox was still busy debating which of his many tricks to use, the dog grabbed him. The fox escaped with a little less fur and a lot more cuts and bruises.
In his book from Good To Great Jim Collins discusses this concept of being a Hedgehog rather than a Fox. He outlines how the best companies in the world have figured out “Their Hedgehog” and focussed on that to take them to the next level of excellence – From Good to Great.
Apple is a Great example of a company that capitalises on their Hedgehog. Steve Jobs knew exactly what he wanted Apple to be known for - Good Looking, High performance Products. They would never be cheap. They would never try to integrate into everything, and they would keep their premium standing. Apple has had its ups and downs, but it is still one of the most successful companies of all time.
This concept is equally applicable to individuals – our own PERSONAL HEDGEHOG - meeting of 3 important elements, to unlock your potential to greatness!
- what is it that you are great at doing and you enjoy doing – your strengths
- your reason for being in this world and finally - What is your passion
- What can you get paid for; what drives your economic engine
If you can identify these three elements and bring them together, you have found your Personal Hedgehog. That path that defines not just your job or hobby or career but your ‘calling,’ your place and purpose in the world.
1. Strengths - Do what you are best at, not what you would like to be best at.
Start by thinking about the things that you are best at doing. There are many things that I can do well. These are my skills. I can do them well. These could be what we call cross functional skills. Skills that can be used in many contexts.
List of skills that are in high demand in 2020 LinkedIn reveals list of Top Skills for 2020(source: #linkedInLearning). If you rate yourself high on any of these skills or any others relevant to your work and life, you have a starting point.
The next question to ask yourself is – is this also a strength? What’s the difference?
- A skill is a strength that you also enjoy working at. For example, let’s say that Creativity is a skill you possess, you are great at creating new concepts, new ideas, works of art and craft, creative writing etc. you must also ask yourself if you feel energised when doing these tasks. If the answer is Yes! You have identified a strength.
- There may be things that you are good at, but you don’t necessarily enjoy doing. For example. I may be good at sales. It’s something that I not only think I am good at, but others have also said that I am good at it. However, I find it taxing to do sales. I don’t enjoy the process. This is then a skill, but not necessarily a strength.
Identify your true strengths – Things that you love to do, are good at doing and feel energised by the process of doing it.
2. Passion: Do only those things about which you are passionate versus striving to get passionate about what you do
Identifying what you are passionate about! We hear this word a lot. But not a lot of us are sure what it means. So, here’s a definition. This is much more than just a strength.
This is something that you live for, the purpose to which you apply your strengths with enthusiasm. This is what gets you up in the morning (and for which you are willing to get up at 5 in the morning). It’s also the one thing that most of us today struggle to identify.
Take a minute to answer this question. If money were not an issue, what would you love to spend your time doing? - This is possibly your passion.
A passion is different from a hobby. A passion is something that you would put in effort to do well even if the road is tough, even when you don’t feel like doing it, even when no one else appreciates your effort.
Identify this, and you have identified the most important element in the Personal Hedghog.
3. What can you get paid for? - Identify the one economic driver that will have the greatest and most sustainable impact
Think about how you can monetize your passions and strengths.
In today’s connected, global environment, there is absolutely no reason why you cannot monetize practically anything.
I love to play video games – from Diner Dash to PubG - Today, the video gaming industry has become one of the most lucrative “sports” in the world. There are tons of people who are playing these games for hours on end as a hobby. Then there are those that are passionate about it, and have figured out a way to monetize this. People who spend time, money and energy to get good at it. Who build the skills necessary to do it well. Who spend time putting together content and tips and tricks for others to use, make videos and upload it on YouTube and get sponsored by the games manufacturers to do this.
This doesn’t mean of course that we all have to figure out how to monetise our hobbies, but if we want to live fulfilled lives, we must find ways to monetize our strengths and passions.
If we can find that job which brings together all these aspects and build this into our careers and our life’s work, we will have found our personal hedgehog.
#makeTheSHIFT (key takeaways)
- If you find yourself working in a space which you are passionate about and there is a great market but you can’t optimize it because you have not developed your strengths and skills - #maketheshift – enroll in classes and apply your strengths to your passion so that you make it into a viable product.
- If you have the passion and have built your strengths – #make the shift - find ways to market it
- If you are in a job which plays to your strengths, but it is not something you are passionate about. #maketheshift – look for ways to move into the job that you are most passionate about.
Dean at Amara Raja Skill Development Center
4 年Good work