That Makes Sense
"That makes sense."
Have you ever had a prospect listen to your offer and respond with that statement?
If so, then you know that prospect is not going to buy.
As sellers, we love to make logical arguments as to why someone should purchase what we have.
It will save them time, it will save them money, it will make them healthier, more popular... the list of logical reasons to buy goes on and on.
Yet, humans don't purchase based on logic, we purchase based on emotion.
If we did, we'd all be driving the most basic, cheapest cars we would find. Logic says to invest as little as possible in a depreciating asset. It's just transportation, right?
Emotion is what drives us to change.
And a purchase is a change. We become owners of something. We part with our money. We now have something to drive, or wear, or learn. We are different after the sale.
So, the next time you find yourself making a point so the listener will say, "that makes sense" remember that you've make a point, but you haven't made a sale.