Makers of Indian R&D and Innovation Ecosystem: Policymakers and Platforms
Mukesh Kestwal
Chief Innovation Officer @IIT Ropar (iHub - AWaDH), DST NMICPS TIH | Startup & Acceleration Enabler | Hustler | Doer | All comments, posts and thoughts are personal #opinions on any given topic :)
26th Nov, a Day celebrated as Constitution Day.
“The greatest public policy is the Indian constitution itself and the centre which created it is the Constituent Assembly," justice Chelameswar said in 2018.
Public Policy has always fascinated?me. Coming from Engineering and Research domain, I have always believed, Technology is key for societal impact. However, when I joined #UCOST back in 2014 as my first professional assignment, a policy think tank for the Government of Uttarakhand, I understood the true meaning of the words once said by M.S Swaminathan, also known as the Father of the #GreenRevolution.
Indian start up ecosystem has seen exponential growth in the last couple of years, be it the number of recognized startups at Startup India portal that is #84k+, or 14.80L+ #companies listed at Ministry Of Corporate Affairs portal; a long journey has been taken by the Indian #SME, #MSME and #Startup venture ecosystem.
The number of MSMEs in India increased by a CAGR of 18.5% from 2019 to 2020, and In FY21, the loan disbursals to MSMEs stood at Rs. 9.5 trillion (US$ 128.06 billion), a 40% increase compared with Rs. 6.8 trillion (US$ 91.66 billion) in FY20. Budget allocation for MSMEs in FY22 more than doubled to Rs. 15,700 crore (US$ 2.14 billion) vis-à-vis Rs. 7,572 crore (US$ 1.03 billion) in FY21. [Source: ]
Interestingly, much support came by reforming policies, bringing new guidelines, and scrapping unfavorable laws to founders and entrepreneurs, creating a holistic ecosystem benefiting society and to overall, India.
India is on a mission to impact not just a billion+ lives of the county but to the whole world of 8B+ lives by bringing #innovation #technology along with #sustainability to it and perfectly moving to its vision and goal of becoming a Global R&D Hub.
Source: G20 Website and YoutTube (
Wanted to list down some of the key influencers coming from the Government and Public Policy side, I believe, who have played great roles and impacted the whole R&D and R&I ecosystem. Of course, there are hundreds of others, will surely, try to bring something
There are many more who I believe, have made a huge impact by supporting the #policy level reforms, bringing #innovation to grassroots, and are aspiring the next generation #founders and # entrepreneurs.
Platform, Impacting Research Innovation and Technology solution
If need to read more on #GovernmentGrants or #Fund, do check
Download the Document on Govt Grants:
Do tag the relevant #stakeholders, so I can bring good information for #startups #Founders #Enablers and #Innovators in the coming post :)
Do notify is any of information is incorrect so that I can rectify the same :)
Thank you @MukeshKestwal. It is our collective effort at NASSCOM which has made this possible!
President, EMPI Group | Director, AIC-EMPI | Director, AP Aerospace Defence Electronics Park I Institution Builder | Innovation Evangelist | Futurist | Cognitive Scientist | Policy Enabler | Start-up Ecosystem Designer
1 年Well written, Mukesh… also in the list are other Greats like Dr V Kurien and Mr N. Vittal…