The Maker of Yourself
Dr. John Terry
Creating Black Belt Leaders in Life who lead world-class organizations to even higher levels of success. Motivational Speaker, Trainer, & Coach
I am re-reading James Allen's classic, "As a Man Thinketh." In the forward, Allen states the object of his book is to "stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the truth that - 'They themselves are makers of themselves.'"
As you think, you become!
What a powerful TRUTH statement!
Of all the things you can do to improve your outcome in life is to MASTER Your Mindset, replacing limiting beliefs that aren't serving you well with limitless ones. Shifting your thinking from scarcity to abundance; from negativity and doubt to positivity and confidence.
By the time we're 10-12 years of age, we have accepted as truth the belief system taught to us by our family, teachers, and other authority figures in our lives. Because our brains lack the ability in the early, formative years of our lives to question the TRUTH of what we are being told, we simply accept it as TRUTH (even if it is not) because it came from a trusted source, such as a family member or a teacher.
This is how poverty, lack, self-doubt, and poor decision-making are passed down from one generation to the next, perpetuating a FALSE belief system that success is only for the fortunate few who were the right skin color, ethnicity, race, creed, gender, or those who were lucky enough to be born on the "right side of the tracks."
This past week, I witnessed a mother in a department store telling her three young children (around the ages of 3, 5, and 7) how stupid and ignorant they were. She was likely parroting what she was told by her parents, who were told something similar by their parents. This mother was literally programming her young, impressionable children to believe they were stupid, ignorant, and incapable of experiencing and achieving any success in life.
This is how generational curses of poverty and lack are perpetuated. It's how people learn to embrace victimhood as a way of life.
Today, we live in a world that embraces victimization - a belief that your race, color, creed, gender, ethnicity, or the situation into which you were born prohibits you from rising to your full potential and achieving real success in life. This limiting belief has been passed down generationally, leaving millions of people around the world living far below their potential.
If you think you're a victim, you are. What you believe, you teach to your children - and they become victims, too. Rather than question what we have been told, you simply accept the lie that has been passed down from generation to generation. In doing so, it gives you an excuse to absolve yourself of personal responsibility for your choices.
This is how generational curses of poverty and lack are perpetuated. It's how people learn to embrace victimhood as a way of life.
This generational curse of poverty and lack has to end.
The only way to do that is to understand WE are truly the Makers of Ourselves.
Here's what I've learned from more than 15 years of studying human behavior with Real Life Management. We CHOOSE our thoughts. It's the one thing we can truly take control of in our lives. When we learn to ALTER our thinking, we learn to make better choices that lead to better outcomes in our lives.
So how do you ALTER your thinking?
Acknowledge your limiting beliefs and thoughts are holding you hostage from achieving the success in life you want, and preventing you from achieving your full potential.
Learn new information that you can use to reshape your thoughts and your beliefs. You can retrain your brain to think and act in a new and better way. You CAN choose the thoughts you think, focus on, and what you believe to be true.
Think about how you're going to apply what you are learning, hold yourself accountable, and how you plan to grow yourself daily to become a better version of yourself.
Execute your daily personal growth plan.
Reflect on what you're learning and continue to grow yourself daily as a leader.
Every day, you get to CHOOSE your thoughts. Your thoughts become your beliefs. Your beliefs determine your choices. Your choices, repeated over time, become your habits. Your habits ultimately determine whether or not you rise to your full potential and experience the success in life you're fully capable of achieving.
You can ALTER your thinking, which reshapes your beliefs. This leads you to make better choices that, over time, become the successful habits that allow you to rise to your full potential as you commit to a lifetime of personal growth and development.
And it doesn't take a lot of time to make major changes. If you can make a 1% improvement in only one area each day for 100 days, you'll have made 100% improvement in just over 3-1/2 months...and over the course of a year, you will have made a 365% improvement from where you started. You're thinking, and acting, in a new and better way.
You're seeing yourself as confident, equipped, able, smart, disciplined, motivated, engaged, successful, and growing into the full potential of all that you can become.
As you THINK, you BECOME.
You are the MAKER of YOURSELF, so Choose to Make Yourself Well!
You can learn to MASTER Your Life. It starts with learning to MASTER Your Mindset. It's part of the process of discovering, developing, and deploying your own Black Belt Leader within as you focus on living life with Black Belt Excellence.
APPLICATION: Download a copy of James Allen's "As a Man Thinketh." Read this short 18-page book in its entirety once a day for the next 30 days. In a journal or notebook, write down what you're learning, experiencing, and start writing out your new success goals.
In my latest book, MASTER Your Self-Confidence, I reveal how to silence the nagging voice of self-doubt and eliminate the negative self-talk that continues to reinforce the limiting beliefs holding you back from achieving success and rising to your full potential.
If you're struggling with self-doubt, or simply want to have more confidence, click on the image to your left and buy a copy of this life-changing book.
You CAN silence the nagging voice of self-doubt and eliminate negative self-talk. This book will give you the tools and resources to become a more confident version of yourself.
So buy a copy of this book today. Buy two copies and give one to a friend, then go through the book together as part of an accountability group. As iron sharpens iron, going through this book with an accountability partner will help you both grow to become a more confident, successful version of YOU!
2X martial arts Hall of Fame inductee, John Terry (The Black Belt Leader) is passionate about helping others become Black Belt Leaders in Life. He is a motivational speaker, leadership, sales & communication coach, and trainer.???John is also president of Real Life Management, a human behavior intelligence training company.
Jessie Terry, John's daughter, is a Certified Speaker, Coach, and Trainer with the?John Maxwell Team?and is actively involved in the JMT Global Youth Initiative. She is also a Real-Life Management trained coach and a certified Women-Safe Self-Defense Instructor.
For more information, schedule John (or Jessie) to speak to your organization or to book a personal, group or corporate coaching session, visit our website at?
If you are a faith-based organization, learn more about John and Jessie's outreach to churches, para-church organizations, or faith-based volunteer groups by visiting?
Why just be a leader, when you can be a Black Belt Leader?
Professor of Medical Computer Science who still gets his hands dirty with code
3 年MASTER Your Life indeed. John you made a statement to me as you mentored me a few days ago. "If you want to change a business, Change the business owner". This became a voice in my ear every morning I wake up. Looking forward to these conversations. Thank you