Make January 6th the anti-insurrection day for Equity, Liberty, Justice (#ELJ). Let's co-create Project 2029 to Make America Truthful Again (#MATA).
#MakeAmericaThinkAgain #MakeAmericaTruthfulAgain to reframe #MakeAmericaGreatAgain

Make January 6th the anti-insurrection day for Equity, Liberty, Justice (#ELJ). Let's co-create Project 2029 to Make America Truthful Again (#MATA).

An organizational CTA to co-create Project 2029

This leadership call-to-action involves creating exponential opportunities of using AI-enabled transformational neo-learning about how to open, inspire and align our mindsets to co-create Equity, Liberty, Justice (#ELJ) Project 2029. Project 2029 calls for cultivating equity meta-governance, implementing the rhodium rule, and building launching pads for Equity Moonshot story movement to co-create a fair, free, and flourishing future on a regenerating planet to benefit all.

We can use each learning section to create small-group discussions (3-5 people) for 10-15-minute session on Zoom calls, Google meets, and in-person meetings. We can repeat these sessions with the same people and rotating people to dialogue about the meaning and implications of ethical questions about co-designing a fair-free-flourishing future to benefit all on a regenerating planet. Ideally, people should read these sections and explore the AI links before group dialogue sections, in the self-reflective spirit of slow thinking and transformational change, collaborating with beloved learning communities.

Cultivate equity meta-governance to solve wicked problems

Equity meta-governance is about zooming out to our Ultimate Meta-process for Humanity (UMH): co-create fair rules, fair plays, fair games, fair opportunities, and fair rewards to benefit all on a regenerating planet.

The rhodium rule for the UMH is to be fair and kind to all people, the planet, nature, animals, plants, and soil.

Cultivating equity meta-governance calls for co-creating human-AI synergies and developing beloved learning communities to galvanize the network power for transforming our mindsets and systems to solve our complex entanglements of our self-inflicted wicked problems.

Wicked problems are complex because they have no single, simple, definitive, or final solutions, with no right-wrong answers.

AI-enabled neo-learning orientation

This is about harnessing the co-creative powers of developing human-AI synergies to cultivate equity meta-governance to solve our wicked problems.

AI-enabled neo-learning involves using ethical questions to evoke slow thinking, enable deep learning, and co-create generative-strategic dialogues about interconnectedness, interdependencies, dynamic emergence, and non-linear causality.

We should never read ethical questions aloud, because they require slow reading and self-reflection to explore and understand their meaning and implications before engaging in dialogues about cultivating equity meta-governance to build launching pads for Equity Moonshot story movement.

Equity Moonshot is our massive transformational purpose (MTP): co-design and build an equitable, regenerative, and sustainable future.

Take your time in using AI to explore and deconstruct the complexities, meanings, and implications of ethical questions about equity meta-governance. These questions make us shift from the emotional reactivity of intuitive, fast thinking to the equanimity of deliberative, slow thinking.

Click on any AI link outputs to inquire, explore, and discover new concepts, insights, and new understandings about the implications of ethical questions. AI provides intellectual fodder for foraging and exploring new perspectives, associations, and patterns of knowledge about how to understand and manage complexity. Human-AI synergies call for co-creating generative-strategic dialogues and using the discerning wisdom of the crowd to co-elevate collaborative and transformational learning for cultivating Equity meta-governance and launching Equity Moonshot: a journey without a final destination.

1. How might we unravel the neo-terrorist propaganda machines driven by Asocial Leadership Personality Disorders?

Asocial Leadership Personality Disorders (#ALPD) is a spectrum of negative deviants with a blend of these character flaws to varying degrees: pathological megalomania, malignant narcissism, incessant psychopathy, autocratic authoritarianism, and destructive sadism.

In our attention economy, politicians with ALPD drive the neo-terrorist propaganda machines of disinformation to create chaos, confusion, and toxicity as part of their "divide and conquer" power plays.

Neo-terrorism is the propaganda war of words, with a sociopathic disregard for the integrity of transparent accountability and truth-seeking. Alt-right propaganda extremists are by far the greatest threat to democracy. Alt-left propagandists are ineffective.?

The reign of neo-terrorism


Where do you agree and disagree with AI responses below? What’s missing? What additional questions do you have? What do you feel inspired to discuss?

AI-research?on generating questions about unraveling the neo-terrorism of disinformation driven by Asocial Leadership Personality Disorders

Click here for an?AI summation?of all question responses. Click on individual links below to the questions that pique your curiosity.

Psychopathic love fest

How might we challenge the religious, spiritual, and business naivety about political psychopathology?

Our religious, spiritual, and business leaders are uninformed about political psychopathology. Alt-right mass media and social media propaganda machines, along with politicians with Asocial Leadership Personality Disorders (ALPD), exploit naive people, use fool-aid to induce cult trances, and indoctrinate them followers into Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis (#DTMP).?

Hard-core MAGA supporters forfeit their freedom to think for themselves. These extremists conform rigidly to alt-right ideology with self-righteous fundamentalism and blind unconditional loyalty.

Our religious, spiritual business leaders are na?ve about educating people to understand the complexities of our meta-crisis: the systemic power abuse dynamics perpetrated and perpetuated by ALPD politicians.?

Psychopaths, bullies, and negative deviants often project their aberrant behaviors onto their opponents. They accuse them of and project their character flaws as an offensive defense strategy.?

The three simple rules of Roy Cohn best epitomized this alt-right strategy.?

  • Attack aggressively
  • Deny everything
  • Always claim victory

Roy Cohn was an influential mentor to Donald Trump. Watch the Oscar-nominated movie, The Apprentice, to understand the dark sides of this psychopathic relationship.?

  • How might we co-create the transformational change energy to call out the aberrant behaviors of psychopaths, bullies, and negative deviants, and make amends to people falsely accused of deviant behaviors?

These educational failures enable the psychopathic love fest to flourish in politics against #ELJ. The neo-terrorist mayhem caused by the apolitical taboo of not talking about #DTMP prevents us from co-elevating #ELJ. We are not talking about the elephant in the room.?

The Statue of Equity, Liberty and Justice?

How might we use calling-out and calling-in strategies to make amends??

Using calling-out and calling-in approaches to redress our meta-crisis and individual negative deviancy is different at systemic and personal levels.?

Calling-out approaches at interpersonal levels use the integrity of truth-seeking, and transparent accountability to hold negative deviants accountable for harms they inflicted, without directly blaming and shaming individuals. Calling-in approaches involve enabling schoolyard bullies and negative deviants to heal and make amends.

Calling-out approaches at systemic and social media levels use political activism, truth-seeking, and transparent accountability to redress the causes of the meta-crisis and advocate for rectifying systemic power abuse dynamics. Calling-out approaches enable shifts in cultural norms toward ethical and moral development about cultivating virtues.?

On the one hand, we use radical candor, truth-seeking, and transparent accountability to redress our meta-crisis, call out the character flaws of political leaders with ALPD, speak truth to the abuse of power, and hold politicians accountable for the amoral-moral impacts of their aberrant behaviors.?

On the other hand, we inspire ethical purpose-clarification, moral meaning-making, and virtuous actions to call in the process of cultivating equity meta-governance.

  • How might we ethically transform amoral-immoral stories into moral tales??

The synergistic processes of strategically using calling-out and calling-in approaches enable us to co-create generative-strategic dialogues of transformational change. Collaborating within beloved learning communities, we ethically transform our immoral and amoral stories into moral tales based on co-elevating equity, liberty, and justice. We co-create upward virtuous spirals to cultivate equity meta-governance for building launching pads for our Equity Moonshot story movement.

How might we reverse our unethical downward spirals into the immoral abyss?

Our lack of ethical discernment and cultivation has led to a gradual political degradation of civic virtues and service. Alt-right propaganda has desensitized us, leaving us without any ethical outrage needed to fight against the chronic moral injuries of chronic PTSD: Persistent Trump Distress Disorder.

We let the schoolyard bullies run amok in our communities to destroy safe, nurturing learning environments. Living in these toxic cold heartless environments, we are frozen from making ethical amends. The immoral black star of the alt-right propaganda machines blacks out the constellation lights of our virtues to monopolize our attention, and put an immoral knee on our ethical neck.?

The “fire hydrant” onslaught of alt-right propaganda waterboards us and suffocates any effective counter-coup against the destructive, MadMax intrasurrection. We are frozen and paralyzed by the reign of neo-terrorism unable to form a Greek chorus outcry about injustices.

Neo-terrorism is the propaganda war of words, with a sociopathic disregard for the integrity of transparent accountability and truth-seeking.

This calls for a radical countercoup response. Using three counter-strategies, we disrupt Roy Cohn’s simple rules of tyranny. This calls for galvanizing a spearhead ethical strategy to lampoon the immorality of alt-right propaganda machines.

  • Spread truth to burst the psychopathic bubble
  • Treat with compassion, candor, and bold humility
  • Unravel the #DerangedTrumpMassPsychosis

We can use these countercoup strategies to hold negative deviants accountable for their harmful actions and also awaken the unwoke of their enabling and complicit behaviors.?

The most brilliant example of the alt-right propaganda was the mass mobilization of the trope, Trump Derangement Syndrome, to tar, feather and disparage snowflake libtards. The counter-coup truth strategy is to call out the derangement of Don the Com, along with #DTMP, the plague of disinformation, and the delusional beliefs in BIG LIES.

How might we expand #DEI to #ELJ?

Why are diversity, equity, and inclusion not enough??Equity includes diversity and inclusion, and not liberty and justice.

Equity ensures that each of us, according to our needs, has fair opportunities to strive and thrive to our highest potential of healthy well-being within beloved learning communities.

What equity is not? Equity is?not?about equal treatment or equal outcomes.

Equity is about cultivating diverse talents, capabilities, and capacities to serve the greater good. Equity is about emancipating an unlimited abundance of opportunities to unleash human potential and social capital.?

  • Liberate equity, freedom for all.
  • Justice protects equity and liberty.
  • The justice of law and order prevents lawlessness and disorder.
  • Let’s co-elevate Equity, Liberty, Justice
  • Let’s reverse the downward spiral into the immoral abyss.?Organize, galvanize, and synergize?a political coup

Let's organize, galvanize, and synergize the middle majority on the middle ground, by using social media, mainstream media, in-person meetings, and marches, to:

  • Detox from #DontheCon's fool-aid
  • Break the #CultTrance of #BlindUnconditionalLoyalty
  • Unravel the #DerangedTrumpMassPyschosis
  • Implode the #BIGLIE
  • Disrupt the #intrasurrection
  • Crush the destructive mayhem of DOGE
  • Co-create #Project2029 to deconstruct #Project2025
  • Co-elevate #ELJ (Equity, Liberty, Justice) to replace DEI
  • #MATA: #MakeAmericaTruthfulAgain
  • Build the middle ground for the middle majority
  • Marginalize alt-right and alt-left extremists
  • Drain the #politicalcesspool of dysfunctional polarizations and toxic divisiveness?
  • Terminate the #PsychopathicLovefest
  • End the reign of #neoterrorism and the cancel culture wars
  • Treat #TrumpAnxietyDisorder
  • Prevent #PersistentTrumpStressDisorder to reduce reactivated PTSD
  • Heal #DSA: #DividedStatesofAmerica

How might we cultivate equity meta-governance?

Equity meta-governance is about zooming out to our Ultimate Meta-process for Humanity (UMH): co-create fair rules, fair plays, fair games, fair opportunities, and fair rewards to benefit all on a regenerating planet.

The rhodium rule for the UMH is to be fair and kind to all people, the planet, nature, animals, plants, and soil.

The truth brigade, working only at the personal level of building bridges across our political chasms, will not move the systemic needle toward equity meta-governance.

  • How might we cultivate equity meta-governance to transform the toxic cesspool of dysfunctional political polarizations into a lily pond to end our neo-terrorist propaganda and cancel culture wars??

The dialectic question (below) requires calling out aberrant behaviors to call in virtuous behaviors, and vice versa.?

  • How might we use paradoxical interventions to cultivate our ethical multi-polarity skills to redress our meta-crisis and prevent politicians with ALPD from rising to power??

How might we overcome Persistent Trump Stress Disorder (PTSD)

In our traumatizing PTSD world, many people understandably migrate to their protective apolitical safety zones, increasing the numbers of disengaged voters, and consolidating the non-voter pack from any participation in democracy.

PTSD propagandists aggressively use offensive propaganda strategies to sustain heighten states of threat that keep people locked down in reptilian fear-flight-freeze responses: a highly effective divide-and-conquer strategy.

PTSD enables the MAGA intrasurrection

Our closed-minded retreats into apolitical worlds disable our ethical discernment processes of developing AI-enabled neo-learning and reflexivity skills to understand how biases and ego shadows prevent us from redressing the dark sides of our political meta-crisis: the systemic power abuse dynamics.

Let’s move beyond regressive influencers to humanitarian emancipators who empower and liberate us from the propaganda marketing machines of influencers.

  • How might we develop ethical purpose-clarification, virtuous sense-making, and moral-meaning skills to build AI-enabled neo-learning platforms and processes to understand and redress the ego-shadows and dark sides of our political meta-crisis and cultivate equity meta-governance?

AI elaborates on the meaning and implications of this question.

AI-summary of elaboration.

The reign of neo-terrorsim

Inspire an ethical vision to align virtuous mindsets

Cultivate virtues to do good for all. Think global, act local = glocal.

We use the rhodium rule of equity meta-governance as our ethical sherpa to build launching pads for Equity Moonshot. This involves co-creating social capital to the enable glocal missions to benefit our communities.

AI elaborates on Robert Putnam's documentary, Join or Die, about social capital.

AI elaborates on cultivating equity meta-governance to develop social capitalism.

  • How might we enable lifelong intergenerational transformational learning journeys, collaborating within beloved learning communities, to cultivate meta-governance for building the integrity of, and fidelity to generative and participatory democracies that serve we, the People?

AI elaborates on the meaning and implications of this question.

Awaken unwoke symbolic capitalism

Symbolic capitalism develops from our socio-political systems, where individuals elevate their status based on non-economic factors based on recognition, influence, fame, prestige, to advance their interests. Paradoxically, symbolic capitalists enable escalating inequities despite their critiques of the social injustices perpetrated and perpetuated by neoliberalism.

AI elaborates on the meaning and implications of this paragraph.

The idea of Jan 6th #MATA day for #ELJ (Equity, Liberty and Justice) along with ethical, political, and protest songs, is like symbolic capitalism: consciousness-raising awareness without taking concrete actions to make amends to escalating inequities, illiberal democracies, and injustices.

Listen to and share these inspirational songs. Muse over these songs, and create your ones.

These failures call for scaling up AI-enabled neo-learning opportunities exponentially to cultivate equity meta-governance. This calls for co-creating a constructive humanitarian #Project2029 to deconstruct the destructive regressive #Project2025.

AI elaborates on the meaning and implications of this paragraph.

  • How might we deploy superagency and co-create AI-enabled neo-learning process to co-design tapestries of ongoing generative-strategic dialogues, counter-propaganda narratives, compelling virtuous stories, and a Project 2029 coup against the Trump administration’s implementation of Project 2025?

AI elaborates on the meaning and implications of this question.

AI-summary of elaboration.

Project 2025 for White Supremacy and Christian Nationalism

Symbolism alone is incapable of co-creating a fair-free-flourishing future to benefit all on a regenerating planet.

Marches and songs alone are virtues-signaling but are of limited value without a long-term coordinated plan, such as Project 2029.

Project 2029, marches, civil disobedience, and the arts (songs, images, poems, documentaries, social media messaging, etc) can work synergistically to cultivate equity meta-governance and unravel symbolic capitalism.

How might we:

  • Hold symbolic capitalism accountable for failing to redress escaping inequities and social inequalities?
  • Awaken symbolic capitalism about its ineptness and unwokeness in cultivating equity meta-governance to develop social capitalism and social capital?

These questions call for making marches and songs both virtuous and valuable, by developing the systemic infrastructure supports to cultivate equity meta-governance.

AI elaborates on the systemic implications and responsibilities of addressing these ethical questions in theory and praxis.

AI-summary of elaboration

Awaken the unwoke.

Why are our educational and religious systems ineffective?

Our antiquated educational and religious systems have failed humanity in developing our capabilities and capacities to build a broad array of ethical, political, psychological, and social skills to solve our wicked problems.

Our reductionist educational and religious systems have failed to develop scalable transformational learning processes about how to explore, understand, and address our wicked problems.

These abysmal failures render us incapable of redressing our unethical meta-crisis of systemic power abuse dynamics. They prevent us from developing catalytic innovations and scaling up learning opportunities exponentially to:

  • Solve our poly-crisis of wicked problems
  • Adapt and mitigate against our poly-collapse

We rely on outdated, content-driven modes of pedagogy with colonial educational systems, talking head presenters, sages-on-stage, preachers, academic symposiums, facilitator-centered group discussions, debates, and alpha male mansplainers who reinforce passive learning and indoctrination.

We need an AI-enabled neo-learning revolution to enable learner-centered agency, active learning, and intrinsic motivation.

  • How might guides-on-stage with sages-on-the-side spotlight and inspire learners to become virtuous, open-minded, truth-seeking, emancipated free-thinkers collaborating across beloved learning communities to do good?

AI elaborates on the meaning and implications of this question. Compare different AI outputs.

AI-summary of AI outputs.

Guide on the stage: spotlights on the audience.

How might we redress the perils of our marketing industrial complex?

The marketing industrial complex of advertising and transactional sales floods our consciousness with endless streams of manipulative content: clickbait, hooks, memes, tropes, soundbites, reels, shiny objects, and speed-to-cool stories.

Within our corporate-professional-personal world of brands, marketing is at best amoral with respect to the ethical long-term considerations of thinking seven generations ahead.

Brands ultimately value the short-term, self-serving transactional bottom line over the long-term, transformational top line of co-creating a fair-free-flourishing future to benefit all on a regenerating planet.

Within the political domains, propaganda mavericks manipulate us by bombarding us with misinformation and disinformation to keep our attention both distracted and divided, so that they can exploit our gullibility.

These distractions create screen addictions to the short-term pleasures of dopamine interspersed with exploitative triggers to evoke fear-hate-outrage reactions. These dysfunctional combinations of positive and negative emotions reinforce cravings for short-term dopamine quick fixes without an overarching ethical purpose.

Dopamine has a paradoxical dual role in driving addictive behaviors with short-term rewards and facilitating deep long-term learning by linking motivation, reinforcement, and memory. This calls for using the double-edged sword of dopamine that enables long-term virtuous behaviors, and repetitive short-rewards that enable addictive behaviors.

AI-affirmation-refutation response to this paragraph.

These social media marketing-advertizing-sales whirlwinds dehumanize our souls and rob us of minds. We lose our sovereignties to these cult influencers, becoming zombies to their propaganda machines. Customers become the products sold to advertisers.

We give up our sovereignty and lose the opportunities to become open-minded, truth-seeking, virtuous free thinkers collaborating within beloved learning communities. We risk developing blind unconditional loyalty to cult influencers and their propaganda machines.

The cesspool of extremist propaganda traps us in a toxic, dysfunctional, dystopian trajectory. We descend downward spirals into the immoral abyss.

How might we:

  • Redress the dehumanizing perils of living in our dysfunctional attention economy?
  • Transform our propaganda marketing machines of content indoctrination into the process curators of ethical purpose-clarification, virtuous sense-making, and moral meaning-making to cultivate equity meta-governance?

AI elaborates on the meaning and implications of these questions.

These questions call for moving beyond the short-termism of living in an amoral-immoral world, saturated with corporate-professional-personal brands to the ethical world of cultivating equity meta-governance to co-elevate social causes and social capitalism for the well-being of all people and the health of the planet.

Whirlwind of disinformation

Build an AI-enabled neo-learning revolution for equity meta-governance

Equity meta-governance calls out the unethical blind spot of an immoral black hole: the meta-crisis of system power abuse dynamics that sets up our poly-crisis of self-inflicted wicked problems and our poly-collapse because of living beyond planetary boundaries.

We rely on outdated, content-driven modes of pedagogy with colonial educational systems, talking head presenters, sages-on-stage, preachers, academic symposiums, facilitator-centered group discussions, debates, and alpha male mansplainers who reinforce passive learning and indoctrination.

We need an AI-enabled neo-learning revolution to enable learner-centered agency, active learning, and intrinsic motivation.

  • How might guides-on-stage with sages-on-the-side spotlight and inspire learners to become virtuous, open-minded, truth-seeking, emancipated free-thinkers collaborating across beloved learning communities to do good?

AI elaborates on the meaning and implications of this question. Compare different AI outputs.

AI-summary of AI outputs

Guides on the stage with spotlights on the audience.

Use a constellation of virtues as the light for equity meta-governance

Equity meta-governance calls out the unethical blind spot of our immoral black hole: the meta-crisis of system power abuse dynamics that sets up our poly-crisis of self-inflicted wicked problems and our poly-collapse because of living beyond planetary boundaries.

The hegemony of the amoral-immoral private sector rigs and corrupts political systems to favor the elites at the expense of the working families.

  • How might we use our constellation of virtues to enable light to break out of the black hole and ensure that the public sector cultivates equity meta-governance to put the ethical and legal guard rails of transparent accountability and truth-seeking on the private and political sectors?

AI elaborates on the meaning and implications of this question.

AI-summary of AI outputs

Black hole metaphor

The overall vision of equity meta-governance is to do good for the commons, humanity, the common good, the well-being of all life, and the health of our planet.

  • How might we cultivate equity meta-governance to ensure that the transformational long termism of ethical causes, moral missions, and virtuous actions put guardrails on the transactional short-termism of corporate-professional-personal brands?

AI elaborates on the meaning and implications of this question.

AI-summary of AI outputs

Equity Meta-governance

Ignite a new era of protest songs

We must make 2025, the year music changes everything, learning from the Netflix documentary 1971, but with a vast difference. This calls on artists to evoke, unleash, and galvanize the vast abundance of untapped co-creativity within local communities to take part in restoring democracy.

  • How might we learn from the naivety of the baby boomers?

Political protest songs must go way beyond consciousness-raising and activate people in re-inventing our democracy with long-term visionary plans with roots in the ground.

This is our clarion calls on all Americans to engage in a renaissance of democracy.

  • How might we deconstruct the alt-right propaganda machines manufacturing plagues of disinformation that subvert and corrupt our democracy?

  • How might we mass mobilize political support of the middle majority to organize yearly January 6th marches in Washington and all cities across the USA to advocate for #ELJ (equity, liberty, and justice) and marginalize alt-right and alt-left extremists?

Share calling in and calling out songs to evoke dialogues

The greatest threat to the U.S. republic and its dysfunctional duolopy by far comes by far from the alt-right social and mass media propaganda machines, and not the ineffective alt-left. This political quagmire calls for using a balance of the calling-in songs of virtuous inspirations on the one hand and evocative calling-out protest songs on the one hand.

Calling in songs is about promoting virtues, harmony, and peace-making. Calling out songs are about evoking political protests, and disruptions to disturb the status quo of injustices.

Share any calling in and calling out songs to #MakeAmericaThinkAgain, #MakeAmericaTruthfulAgain, and #MakeAmericaGreatAgain, based on the integrity of true patriotism guided by a constellation of virtues.

Our extreme state of dysfunctional polarizations and toxic divisiveness calls for the true patriotism of radical candor, bold humility, and tough love by sharing calling in songs, and calling out songs that empower the middle majority to regain the middle ground and put the alt-right and alt-left extremists on the sidelines of political history.

The ethical question below calls for harnessing music's transformational power to bridge divides and recenter civic dialogues around virtues. By combining "calling-in" songs (invitations to cultivate virtues) with "calling-out" songs (using virtues to redress injustices of character flaws), we create dynamic cultural strategies that move beyond performative activism and toward cultivating equity meta-governance.

  • How might we use calling-in songs to maximize the impact of calling-out songs to raise our consciousness about shifting beyond the cancel culture wars of DEI to the EJL (equity, liberty, justice) of living harmoniously in a multi-polar world?

AI elaborates on the meaning and implications of this question.

Share calling in songs to cultivate living in our humanitarian multi-polar world

Lyrics by author. Suno-generative voice and music. If you have an aversion to AI-generated music, click on the link just to read the lyrics. If inspired, share this song. See an extended list of songs to discuss at the end of this newsletter.

We can select any song to be played on Zoom calls so that people can break up into triads and engage in the process of co-creating generative and strategic dialogues about how to cultivate equity meta-governance.

These equity songs about fairness aim to inspire the middle majority to regain the middle ground and marginalize political extremists.

Muse over these songs, and create your inspiation songs.

Share calling out songs to deconstruct our divisive, regressive world of conflicting value systems

Lyrics by author. Suno-generative voice and music. If you have an aversion to AI-generated music, click on the link just to read the lyrics. If inspired, share this song. See a list of additional songs to discuss at the end of this newsletter.

Calling out songs is an expression of political protest. They proactively disrupt political dysfunctions, speak truth to the abuse of power, and hold politically negative deviants accountable to truth and transparent accountability.

Some of these songs use paradoxical interventions that aim to disrupt the Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis. These interventions destabilize pre-existing dysfunctional polarizations and toxic divisiveness by calling in the need for truth-seeking and transparent accountability and calling out the fake patriotism of alt-right and alt-left neo-terrorism.

The systemic aim of de-programing the alt-right cult and hegemony is to move more people from the middle majority onto the middle ground and marginalize hard-core MAGA Trumpsters. This will exacerbate the risks of alt-right extremism, neo-terrorism, and terrorism in the short term. But appeasing the schoolyard bully does not work.

Muse over these songs, and create your ones.

Let's adopt and implement #ELJ

Equity embraces diversity and inclusion.

Let's embrace #ELJ (equity, liberty, and justice) using a constellation of virtues to navigate our multi-polar world unhinged from the dysfunctional polarizations and toxic divisiveness of living in a dichotomous world of competing values systems that perpetrate and perpetuate endless warring tribalism.

A cascade of prompting questions explores the meaning and implications of the above paragraph.

  • What are the key virtues to guide us in navigating our multi-polar world?
  • How might we maximize the advantages and overcome the challenges of adopting ELJ to redress the cancel culture wars and scapegoating propaganda that set up our dichotomous divisive and dysfunctional polarized world of DEI?
  • How might we reframe DEI as ELJ within our political cultures to move beyond our dichotomous world to a multi-polar world?
  • How might we adopt the multipolar construct of ELJ to overcome the dysfunctional polarizations and toxic divisiveness of living in a dichotomous world of competing value systems that perpetrate and perpetuate endless warring tribalism?
  • How can we integrate equity, liberty, and justice into our daily practices of living in a multi-polar world?

AI elaborates on the meaning and implications of the lead question.

Use AI-enabled neo-learning to overcome anti-intellectualism about wicked problems

Wicked problems are complex because they have no single, simple, definitive, or final solutions, with no right-wrong answers.

Academic writing can evoke anti-intellectual, reductionistic, and rejection reactions that limit our capabilities and capacities to solve our complex entanglements of self-inflicted wicked problems. We can use AI to understand the meaning and implications of complex questions, sentences, and concepts, adjusted for different reading and developmental levels.

  • How might we develop AI-enabled neo-learning to explore the meaning and implications of ethical questions about reframing #DEI as #ELJ to cultivate equity meta-governance and build launching pads for Equity Moonshot?

Develop tri-polarity skills to co-elevate for #ELJ

Equity is the virtue of fairness, liberty, and justice.

  • How might we use AI-enabled neo-learning processes to develop tri-polarity skills to manage trilemmas arising from the trifecta question (listed below)?

The trifecta question (below) calls for organizing beloved communities to co-create generative-strategic dialogues in response to ecological frameworks of ethical questions at the meta, macro, meso, and micro levels.

We all need to learn how to zoom out-in-out holistically to understand the complexities of interconnectedness and interdependence to understand and address self-inflicted wicked problems.

What is:

  • Fairness?
  • Freedom?
  • Just?

These questions call for developing tri-polarity skills: use our differences to make positive differences and not let the divisive toxicities of dysfunctional polarizations tear us apart.

Let's reclaim the original meaning of equity, the virtue of fairness

This calls for avoiding the trap of taking a Neville Chamberlain appeasement approach against neo-terrorism.

The alt-right fear-based propaganda machines exploit the "divide and conquer" tactics of disinformation to incite division, chaos, and confusion.

The Greek chorus of alt-right brilliantly orchestrated a scapegoating Salem Witch on DEI, enabled by the paranoid vestiges of McCarthyism and the red reflex reject button that triggered immediate associations of Marxism, communism, and socialism to tar, feather, and disgrace the virtue of fairness.

  • How do the alt-right propaganda machines define equity, the virtue of fairness?

AI elaborates on the meaning and implications of this question.

  • How might the middle majority develop a virtuous counter-campaign to reclaim the original meaning of equity?

AI-elaborates on the meaning and implications of this question

AI-summary of elaboration.

Develop a virtuous counter-campaign

Cultivate Equity Meta-governance

The Equity meta-governance vision sets up networks of launching pads for the Equity Moonshot story movement: co-design and build an equitable, regenerative, and sustainable planet.

This cause endlessly grows into never-ending ongoing projects, aligning people together with people working within beloved learning communities.

Our communal lifelong intergenerational journeys involve collaborative and transformational learning within and across the political, political, and private sectors, without a final destination.

Co-create ecological frameworks of ecological questions

Solution-focused questions ethically empower people to co-create constructive upward spirals of developing virtues to co-elevate our moral top-line.

Problem-focused questions ethically empower people to deconstruct the alt-right propaganda machines to reverse the destructive downward spirals of enabling character flaws that drive our bottom line into the immoral abyss.

Consider creating your framework of questions.

a. Solution-focused ethical questions

Equity muses ask questions about developing ethical discernment, moral imagination and virtuous actions about equity meta-governance and Equity Moonshot.

How might we, the middle majority, rise to:

  • Use AI-enabled neo-learning processes to cultivate equity meta-governance and launch #EquityMoonshot?
  • Bend our dystopian arc toward a practical utopia of co-creating a fair-free-flourishing future on a regenerating planet?
  • Inspire and align 2029 organizations, non-profits, and corporations to develop their own Project 2029 of true patriotism and contribute toward re-inventing democracy?
  • Develop a Project 2029 as a progressive creative force for humanity and the health of the planet?
  • Inspire and align 2029 organizations, non-profits, and corporations to develop their Project 2029 of true patriotism?
  • Deconstruct the authoritarian autocracy of Project 2025 as regressive destructive forces that degenerate our humanity and planet?
  • Re-invent democracy to deconstruct the dysfunctional duolopy?
  • Align our collective souls to regenerate our humanity and our planet
  • Drain the swamp of alt-right extremism?
  • Call self-righteous fundamentalists of Christian Nationalism as false prophets of Jesus Christ??
  • Fix our corrupt crony democracy and free it from dark money?
  • Heal the Divided States of America?
  • Reverse the escalating inequities that favor the elites at the expense of working families?

b. Problem-focused ethical questions

Equity muses ask questions about redressing misinformation, mal-information, disinformation, and neo-terrorism.

Neo-terrorism is the propaganda war of words, with a psychopathic disregard for the integrity of transparent accountability and truth-seeking.

Neo-terrorists have Asocial Leadership Personality Disorders with the character flaws of pathological megalomania, malignant narcissism, incessant psychopathy, and autocratic authoritarianism. They lack or are devoid of an ethical consciousness. They are driven by the ego shadows and dark sides of self-interests.

Neo-terrorists orchestrate psychopathic love fests and downward destructive spirals into the immoral abyss to satisfy their greed for pathological megalomania.

How might we, the middle majority, rise to:

  • Protest against the insurrection and all lives lost and injured?
  • Make January 6th, a #MakeAmericaTruthfulAgain march day across all American cities, to advocate for Equity, Liberty, and Justice?
  • Make America Think Again to Make America Truthful Again (#MATA)?
  • Deworm our democracy from our dysfunctional duolopy, the symbiotic parasites on We, the people?
  • Unwoke the #unwoke from the alt-right propaganda machines, such as #FoxNewsNeoterrorism (#FNN)?
  • Reverse the plague of disinformation?
  • Detox from the #DontheCon's fool-aid?
  • Unravel #DerangedTrumpMassPsychosis (#DTMP)
  • Break the cult trance of the BIG LIE?
  • Reframe #DEI as #ELJ?

Listen to, and share ethical, protest, and political songs

Use songs for discussion and community-building for equity meta-governance,

Use AI-enabled neo-learning to cultivate equity meta-governance

Learn more about cultivating equity meta-governance


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