Make Your Work Environment Work for You
Rupal Patel
Ex-CIA | 2x CEO | Founder, The Global Leadership Lab | Award-Winning Int'l Keynote Speaker | Bestselling Author | "One of the Most Influential Women of 2023" | Rehumanizing How We Lead & Work | Find me in NYC & LON
Happy people are more productive. The link between the work environment and psychological health is significant, profound, and found to be consistent over decades. Thoughtfully curating an inspiring work environment is a necessity if you want to bring out the best in both you and your employees. By carefully crafting our professional environment we can ensure our journey to success stays on track.
Psychosocial Environment
Motivation is contagious and surrounding yourself with a community of highly motivated individuals has been consistently proven to lead to happiness and higher productivity. Your company can have the best business model, best product or service and the loveliest office in the world but if the individuals that fill it are not the right fit your you and your company will struggle.
One technique to ensure that potential employees are a good fit for your company is to have an in- depth interview process that is designed to get information on their psychological make up. Wolmer Smit, CEO of TOPdesk, suggests a process involving two interviews of two hours long with two interviewers for every potential employee. These interviews should give you insight into the candidate’s history, life and belief systems and enable you to determine whether that candidate can self-motivate properly.
Although this type of interviewing process may take longer in the beginning it will save you time, and therefore money, in the long run by making sure you don’t have to micro-manage any employee or constantly resolve disputes within your team. Allowing you to capitalise on your employee’s potential by having the peace of mind that they are responsible and dedicated enough to not abuse any freedom you grant them.
Having an open and honest line of communication with your employees will allow you to gain immediate and relevant feedback into what could make their lives easier so that you can adjust and adapt your business practices.
Physical Environment
One common characteristic of workplaces that have been shown to boost productivity is that they have design elements that encourage employees to focus, collaborate, learn, and socialize.
Open plan layouts provide an environment that increases efficiency through facilitating communication and collaboration. Facilitating this type of interaction through design will provide your employees with more opportunities for interpersonal learning as well as increasing satisfaction, morale and productivity.
However, it is important when designing a space to consider the effects that noise, a lack of privacy and other distractions may have. Without a careful balance between distraction and interaction, high levels of social relations amongst employees may have a negative impact on their productivity.
A work environment is a living organism and as a leader you need to evaluate, adjust and upgrade your workspace to address your employee’s needs. Ask those that work for you whether they are happy and what they would change to be happier and then do what you can to accommodate their suggestions.
To learn more about how we can help you create the optimal work environment, visit our website here: