Make Your Words Positive
Determined purpose
Determination can take what’s impossible and make it happen. Determination can transform obstacles into accomplishments.
To move ahead with determination, you don’t need any special skills or training. All you need is a reason, a reason that, from your perspective, cannot be denied.
Somewhere within your life you have that reason. Somewhere within you, you know that purpose.
It may stay hidden for many years, and then suddenly come to the surface in response to a difficult situation. Or that purpose may start out as a small idea and grow stronger each day until it soon becomes undeniable.
Rock solid determination comes when you look past the concerns and distractions of the moment. The power of determination comes when you think and act from a sense of real, meaningful purpose.
There is most certainly a purpose you are yearning to fulfill. Find it, know it, follow it, and you can change the world.
Better and better
Leave each person you meet better off for having had the encounter. Leave each situation you find better off than it was when you came upon it.
When the going becomes difficult, don’t waste your time looking for ways to complain. Get busy finding real and workable ways to make things better.
Each day, each moment, each relationship, each problem is an opportunity for improvement. Take those opportunities as they come, make those improvements, and soon you will have created something truly valuable.
Each time you do something you have the opportunity to do it even better than the time before. With each experience you learn, and with that learning comes continual improvement.
When you’re not satisfied with what is, get busy and make it better. When you do become satisfied with how things are, then expand that good fortune outward to the rest of the world.
Life can continue to get better and better. Each moment, you have the golden opportunity to make it so.
Watch yourself
You can sometimes hide your thoughts and actions from others. Yet you cannot hide them from yourself.
The person you are becoming is always watching the person you are right now. The genuine image you have of yourself tomorrow depends on the actions you watch yourself taking today.
The person you will be, is always watching the person you are. And what you sincerely think of yourself, based on what you see, will play a major role in the quality of your life.
The confidence with which you live next month will be based on the integrity of the actions you take this week. Think for a moment what a grand opportunity that represents.
You have the ability, with your thoughts and actions in this very moment, to become precisely the person you most truly want to be. With each little step you take, you’re building the future character with which you’ll live.
The qualities of your life that matter most are not in any way left to chance. They’re yours to develop and strengthen every moment, even now, as you watch yourself grow.
What you say
What are you saying to yourself? What are you saying to others?
Words can limit your thinking, or they can expand your horizons. Words can bring on discouragement and despair, or they can provide the encouragement to do great things.
One of the quickest and easiest ways to improve your world is to improve the words you use when thinking to yourself or speaking to others. You always have the power to choose your words, so it makes sense to choose the best, most positively powerful ones.
You’ve no doubt experienced the enormous impact that a kind, encouraging word can have. Rather than letting your words amplify a troubling situation, choose the words that will lead the way to a more positive reality.
What you say to yourself and what you say to others truly matters. When you make your language more consistently positive, your attitude cannot help but follow right along.
And that, in turn, will affect your actions and the results they bring. Your positive words can truly create a more positive world.
Your dreams
The things that hold you back are finite and limited, yet the dreams that push you forward have no such limits. No matter how formidable the problem may be, you can always find an even stronger reason to move resolutely ahead.
In fact, when the obstacles seem too great, too daunting, that’s the time to reach even higher. Make your dreams bigger and more compelling than your difficulties.
It is never unreasonable to expect the best of yourself. For the greatest achievements are reached when you have a real and meaningful reason to reach them.
There are countless possibilities available to you at this very moment. Choose to follow the ones that enliven your spirit, spark your imagination, and inspire your heart.
Dream big dreams, ones that truly mean something to you. Let yourself be filled with their positive, infectious energy. Then delight in the journey as you follow the steps that will make them come true.
Free to achieve
Acknowledge your fears, acknowledge your worries, acknowledge your most troubling concerns. Then let them go, and free yourself to move positively forward.
For many of your fears, worries and concerns, there are certainly valid reasons. And that’s why it is best to get beyond being paralyzed by fear and worry, so you can effectively address those underlying reasons.
Every moment you spend worrying is a moment you spend giving yourself even more reason to worry. When you allow fear to stop you completely, you give that fear even more power.
By quickly acknowledging the fears, the worries, the concerns, and listening to what they have to say, you can then simply let them go. And once you do that, you’re free of their draining influence.
Once you do that, you’re free to develop workable strategies and to take positive, effective action. By letting go of the fears and worries, you are free to positively change the underlying conditions from which those fears and worries arise.
Feel the fears, acknowledge the worries, understand the concerns, then move on away from them. Set yourself free to achieve.
Possibility of failure
If you spend all your energy avoiding the possibility of failure, failure is precisely what you’ll get. To avail yourself of life’s rewards, you must be willing to live with some of life’s risks.
It is indeed foolish to take unnecessary risks. It is even more foolish to avoid risk completely.
When you take action, there’s always a chance that something will go wrong. Yet if you never go ahead with the action, you’ll never get anything accomplished. When you make a decision, there’s always a chance that you could be wrong. Yet if you never made a decision, you’d never get anything right.
There is risk in life, and life is certainly worth the risk. Know the risks, prepare for them, manage them, and get accustomed to living with them.
Be willing to live with the possibility of failure. And you’re on your way to achieving amazing success.
- Ralph Marston