Prabhu Das
With 14 years in Operations, Talent Acquisition, Business Analysis, and Market Analysis, I bring expertise in HR, Power BI, and financial strategies, with a focus on data-driven decisions, productivity, and growth.
The quality of your thoughts from moment to moment greatly impacts the quality of your life. From your thoughts flow your choices, your actions, the way you look at life, the way you respond to whatever happens.
You wouldn’t drink water from a filthy cesspool. And you wouldn’t want to derive your thoughts from the mental equivalent of a cesspool.
Make your thinking, and the source of your thoughts, intentional. Don’t sit endlessly in front of a screen and allow random thoughts of dubious origin to be fed to you.
Yes, pay attention to what’s going on in your world, and consider the perspectives of others. Yet make your own thoughts, the thoughts that fill your mind throughout the day, of your own choosing.
Select your thoughts based on your purpose, your values, your dreams, what you love and care about. Choose thoughts that empower, impassion, inspire and energize you.
Take care not to let your thoughts be dominated by those who do not have your best interests at heart. Take active responsibility for your own thoughts, making use of their great power to move your life and your world positively forward.
— Ralph Marston