Make Your Smart-Phone be Your Purse with BestReviewApp
People carry their smartphones with them almost every moment. They can go out without a bag and even a wallet but with smartphone? Why? Because they can use it contact their friends, view news, play games or even make money. In this guide, we mainly talk about how to make a smartphone be a purse withBestReviewApp.
What is BestReviewApp?
BestReviewApp is a review service platform both for app developers and app users. App developers want their app to be reviewed, these reviews can help developers to improve their product, meanwhile, users can earn some money by reviewing apps. With BestReviewApp, app users can get paid for downloading, reviewing and rating apps.
How to make a smartphone be a purse?
Well with a huge number of applications floating around our eyes with several new additions in almost all the categories, you may download these apps many times. Some of them may be of great use to you while some may not be that useful. After using the app you may feel like reviewing and letting others know how the application is as per your use. BestReviewApp helps you in getting paid for these reviews.
What do you need to do?
All you need to do is installing BestReviewApp on your iPhone/iPod/iPad. Then, claim the tasks listed on the task page and complete the tasks by installing and reviewing the apps in the App Store. You will get paid for both the free apps as well as the paid apps.
For free apps, you would receive $0.50 and for the paid apps you would get $1-$1.5 and plus the money you paid for it. As for payments, you will get them money via PayPal or Alipay by submitting the request every Friday.
So are there any specifications with respect to the review? You need to write the review within 48 hours of the app you download and this would be verified by the App store within 24 hours of submission.
BestReviewApp pays high for reviewing apps, which can make a smartphone be a purse. It pays you $0.5-$1.5 for a review. You just need spend several minutes to write a 30-40 words reviews and give a 4/5 stars rating. There’s no time limited, no geography limited, you can do it at any time you want. Most of all , it’s very convenient to carry just like a purse!