Make your Signature.

Make your Signature.

All of us know about passing the phase and move on experience. While you live in the middle east, you get used to coping with more challenges than outside of the zone. So we are the champion of resilience. YES!

It’s a real-life experience that includes mobbing in the office and giving up the dream I lived for a long time in my backpack forever. Still, I have plans and surprisingly my plans get more real and practical. Not easy but possible.

It’s a rolling coaster of life to give you the chance to “Choose”.

Rule One: always choose instead of being on the force of environmental drivers.

Rule Two: have role models in different aspects of your plan. Your plan is a package, not a surface to look at.

Rule Three: Be committed. It’s the secret magic of your success. You need it in your mind, in your words, in your body language and will make so many options to reach the targets.

Rule Four: Enjoy the success in each step. It’s a road map.

I will describe each Rule more in further texts.

Good LUCK.



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