Make Your Own RGB Goggles with Arduino and WS2812B LEDs:
Jai Prajapati
BBA Digital Marketing | Passionate about Leveraging Data-Driven Strategies for Business Growth. #digitalmarketing #Seospecilist #certifiedigitalmarketer, #contentcreator
Today, are you willing to let a color wash into your life? Join step by step the line of DIY electronics when we will discuss how to make RGB Goggles with a small Arduino Nano and WS2812B LEDs. Not only do these goggles adjust to the amount of light around you but they allow you to rotate between numerous vibrant colors that you can control using your smartphone.
What You'll Need:
Let's gather our tools and materials before we embark on this electrifying adventure: Let's gather our tools and materials before we embark on this electrifying adventure:
- Arduino Nano (1)
- WS2812B LEDs (88)
- - Bluetooth Module HC06 (1)
- 3.7V Battery (1)
- On/Off Switch (1)
Software Selection:
To bring our RGB Goggles to life, we'll rely on the following software:
Arduino IDE: The necessary code execution area for the implementation of our chosen Arduino Nano for full functionality control.
Understanding the Hardware:
Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of circuitry, let's take a moment to understand the key components of our project:Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of circuitry, let's take a moment to understand the key components of our project:
Arduino Nano: The microcontroller board is the "brain" of our RGB Glasses and is in the same size but with power.
WS2812B LEDs: Being the shining star of our project, RGB 5mm LEDs, according to easy color control, are run by a simple data cable.
HC-06 Bluetooth Module: The module will be helping establish a wireless communication between the smartphone and the Arduino Nano and as a result the activities in this tab open up for a whole new world of wireless technologies.
3.7V Battery: Providing the power for the system via reliable USB cables to guarantee that RGB Goggles are always lit successfully when used.
On/Off Switch: The simplest, yet the vital aspect, that we have to do for our creation is to easily control its power.
Pair of Goggles: We are now at the studio, and in turn, we would treat it as our white canvas with which we will unleash our imaginations to create a vibrant piece of art.
Circuit Diagram:
Now, let's visualize the magic behind our RGB Goggles with a detailed circuit diagram:Now, let's visualize the magic behind our RGB Goggles with a detailed circuit diagram:
A simple diagram that shows the intricate connections between our electronic components and the Arduino Nano depicts the blueprint of our beguiling light installation.
Crafting Your RGB Goggles:
And so now, after assembling our instrument and collecting up all the required materials, it is as good a moment as any to seize the opportunity and get on to squeezing our RGB Goggles! Follow these simple steps to embark on your journey: Follow these simple steps to embark on your journey:
Code for RGB Goggles using WS2812B LEDs:
// Code for Arduino based DIY RGB Goggles using WS2812B LEDs
// Electro Global- Innovate with us
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#define PIN? ? ? ? ? ? 6
#define NUM_LEDS ? ? ? 60
#define BRIGHTNESS ? ? 100
// Initialize NeoPixel strip
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip(NUM_LEDS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
// Electro Global- Innovate with us
void setup() {
??; // Initialize all pixels to 'off'
// Electro Global- Innovate with us
void loop() {
??// Your LED animation code goes here
Congratulations! you have just passed a scintillating trail in a DIY world, and at the end of it you have developed your very own RGB Goggles. Whether creativity is activated using vivid colors, animated designs, or wireless control, you are left free to explore. Therefore, adapt your cape seals and squint into the light, while you are enjoying your new-found artistic freedom!