Make your metadata work for you
DevOps Advocate Jack McCurdy shares his top tips on what metadata to put in version control.
One of the biggest considerations when getting started with version control is what metadata should be tracked by it. Most metadata can live happily in version control. As such, it can be tempting to throw every bit of metadata in straight away, but this is counterproductive for a few reasons:
Version control is a learning curve for most as it is, so it's sensible not to overburden you or your team by taking on too much. The best strategy is to start small. Start with a subset of metadata that you deploy regularly and reliably to get familiar with how version control works. This will build your confidence and you can gradually add more, and increases likelihood of adoption across the team. Where you start will vary but components like Apex classes, Triggers, Custom objects, Global value sets, and Profiles could be a good starting point.
For more info on getting started with version control I highly recommend this Version control fundamentals?course. Happy deploying!
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