Make your life a unique piece of art
Meenu Susanna
moving slow. building things. never used ai to write content and never will.
"Why are you and your brother so over the top?"
This is a question I get asked a lot by friends and even some of our family. They are referring to how active we are on social media especially facebook, and how we outrage, or express other emotions, seemingly pointlessly, over things that are beyond our control or don't make sense to most people.
I don't answer them because first of all, I don't really know what someone means when they ask this question, or why they'd bother to ask this at all. It's perplexing to me because I often wonder how people just go on spectating on life, like someone else is living it for them.
Some of the other questions are: why are you guys so emotional, why do you have attention-seeking behaviours, why are you a rebel, why can't you be normal like everybody else etc. For my friends who think I am too much, but haven't yet met my brother Thomas, let me introduce him by saying he is 10x as much. We have a third sibling, my younger brother Manu, who is not on social media but is equally, if not more, over the top. Our mom is not even a tiny bit less over the top than any of us. Sometimes she cracks the most atrocious jokes, laughs all by herself, and then asks me, "why are you laughing, are you mad?"
So why are some people too much? We all have our stories. Or rather, our issues, as we like to call the stories of people who are not that normal. I have grappled with my issues perhaps my whole life and am still only nearly done with them at 37. Until the moment I started writing this post, that is. I think by the end of this post, I will be that person I have always wanted to be, and not the one the world told me to be.
What changed now is that I got done with my issues - all of them - all of a sudden today, when I had a revelation about how my youngest brother did it. Quite like the last piece of the puzzle that I have been searching for, for months.
We had a somewhat traumatic stigmatised life, thanks to our utterly hypocritical intolerant judgemental insane society. He was the most affected of us 3 siblings because he was a little kid who couldn't wrap his head around what was going on, and more so because he had several physical disabilities that kept him from going ahead and giving his 100% to everything his heart wanted to do. He is all soul, high energy, always wanting to get people together and do things, or be a part of and the life of everything that's going on. There's a certain exuberance in the air when he is around. The disabilities made him an easy target for bullies everywhere he went, including at home during our sibling fights. I am not proud of those moments when I played the bully or tried to beat some Maths into him to pass exams, which was beyond his ability or interest. Nevertheless, it happened.
This is not a confession or anything like that. It's a very simple, ordinary story of how my brother beat all the odds and created a life so magnificent that, I no longer have the need to hold on to any of my aforementioned issues or look anywhere else for the inspiration and motivation I need to get started on whatever I want to do in life. Spectating has never been it.
The life Thomas made for himself is magnificent not because he has arrived or became the president of the world or anything like that. It's something else, which I hope you'll see for yourself in the next paragraphs. Here are some of the things he's done so far and still keeps doing, that inspire me and teach me about perception vs reality and more:
- He had severe stammering issues and he overcame a big part of it by singing, acting in street plays, and being a public speaker, skill development trainer and motivating others!
- He is not a singer and he acknowledges it, but it's what helped him overcome stammering, and he enjoys doing it a great deal. He sings every chance he gets and doesn't give 2 hoots what anyone has to say about how good or bad it is.
- He knows in his heart why he sings or does any of the things he does, and to him that is all that matters. He pours his heart into whatever he does and that leaves you feeling thoroughly entertained and enjoying his explosive performances.
- He had 5 surgeries throughout childhood for his ear, nose and throat, and had very poor hearing ability, which made it hard to hear, hard to learn and hence hard to pass exams.
- He struggled through many jobs and many many hardships to finally find a job in his field of social work.
- He was ignored, laughed at and exploited by so many people here, that his heart was set on going to another country and settling down there.
- He moved to Australia first to study, taking loans, and it did not work out. He had to come back and his heart was broken and he was ashamed because most people were asking him for the juicy details of why he came back and why he failed, instead of leaving him alone to process what just happened.
- We all kept telling him what else he could do instead of focusing only on moving to Canada, because we didn't want him to face failure again and be heart broken again. But he didn't listen. He stayed focused and didn't give undue importance to what anyone thought he was doing. One fine day his PR came, he went to Canada and he found several good souls who helped him out in various ways. Now he is settled there with a good job and he got married too.
- But he didn't stop there. One day he said he is going to start an IELTS training school. This was very recent. Things moved very fast. He wanted to make a logo, a website etc. etc. Just like I ask all clients and potential clients the elementary questions, I asked him why he wants to start this business, expecting to get the standard replies I get like "I saw an opportunity and thought why not". Instead, I got a mail that answered each and every existential question with so much clarity!
Why do you want to start this business?
"I love teaching, especially when it is about developing the workforce of a country. I started this venture/school to help people develop their employment and entrepreneurial skills, which includes skills in communication. My motivation is my experience - from a mediocre person, a severe stutterer who was a constant failure in school, I became a public speaker and skill development trainer. Now, I think it is time to push my limits once again.
I want to provide the best service, as much as possible within my knowledge, skills, and experience. Focus on the strengths of the individual rather than their weaknesses. If my school can bring change to the life of at least one person, if I am able to put a smile on his or her face, that's my reason to do this. If that person achieved something because of my school, that's my motivation to continue what I do."
I think when I read that mail is when I understood that what he was fighting for all those years was not just to find a job and get married and live a happy life. But it was and still is to live a life of purpose, pushing his limits and also to enable other people to push their limits, stopping at nothing. For him it's about helping other people overcome their disabilities or constraints just like he did and continues to do. It's like for every bullying and judgement and prejudice and "you can't do this" he received in life, his resolve to go beyond anyone's imagination became stronger. And he's figuring it all out by doing things his way, the best way he knows how, unapologetically, without restraint, with all of his joy and all of his heart.
For me this is what art is. His life is a piece of art. That can inspire, heal, break shackles, demolish expectations and help you create something unexpected from it. It can make a fool out of you for having expectations. Plus, he'll be damned if it looks anything like anyone's expectation of what anything should be. You might be tempted to say it's not up to some kind of mark. But that's your problem, not his.
I always believed true magic lies in the ordinary and he is an example of this belief. He is the most ordinary of the ordinary, and yet he is the most unimaginably extraordinary. You can't figure this out by looking at him as a spectator. You can only see this by looking really really close with an intention to understand rather than an eagerness to judge. There is immense magic like this in the world. Hidden in plain sight, presenting itself only to those who have the ability to see it. We all need this, not for the sake of him or people like him, not for the world, but for ourselves if we want to see beyond the surface and live in magic.
I'll conclude this post with one more story about him. When he started Tom's Language School a few weeks ago, he organised an inauguration ceremony over Zoom. Our whole family and quite a few of his friends and well-wishers attended. He wanted to do a 'logo reveal' for the logo I made for him using Canva. I thought this was a bit over the top. I asked, must we do this - please it's hardly a logo and let's not embarrass ourselves by doing a reveal for this sorry excuse of a logo. He said "please, can I do it this way because it's my heart's desire". Such an innocent and simple answer. I was reminded of The Little Prince. How it's tiring for children to explain even the simplest of things to adults. Still my ego couldn't accept it and during the reveal I actually apologised for the logo. Barring that avoidable snivelling from me, the ceremony was quite surreal and awesome. So many people said heart-warming things about what a kind, thoughtful and selfless human being he is. Everyone wished him success with such earnestness. He was super-excited and charged up to give such an auspicious start to his venture. So was everyone else on the call. Our mom sang a prayer, and Manu surprised all of us by giving an eloquent speech with so much flourish like we were on a big stage in front of a big audience! I just kept falling off my chair and mumbling things at regular intervals to appear completely unaffected by all this.
While in truth, it was a humbling and eye-opening experience for me, who has only seen and undertaken the launch of multi-crore spectacular star-studded plastic launches of corporates where we'd have spent (or charged) anywhere between 5 lakhs to 5 crores and 3+ months on the brand identity alone. Where everyone who worked on the launch would be nearly dead from exhaustion and running with their ass on fire to give a damn about the launch itself or show any emotion. I had to switch off the video several times to hide my overwhelm.
In retrospect, I understand a lot more about my brother, our family, about relationships, about myself, about people, about perceptions, expectations and all that. But more than anything, I understand truly what it means to be yourself in all honesty and authenticity, how it can be done, why it needs to be done, and why it's necessary to do it not secretly but in full view of the world, how not to care about what anyone thinks of you, how to get over every limiting belief and conditioning that have kept a lot of people chained to their prisons all their life. And I am super proud to say it's my little brother who showed me how it's done. He really is an amazing teacher - the kind that teaches by example.
I have no doubt he will go ahead and show the world how it's done over and over again.
And I am forever grateful to him for inspiring me so much that after months of unsatisfying constipated attempts at gathering my thoughts into a coherent article, today I finally did it. That revelatory moment came to me while I was reading the 'About' page on his website. It came with such force that even before it hit me fully, I knew how this would end. After writing pages and pages in my journal and meditating for weeks, and just surrendering to work for more weeks after I became aware of the missing piece of my puzzle, it came to me in the most beautiful of moments with the most beautiful and surprising message.
Piece, do you have any idea how much I wanted you and looked for you and waited for you? Of course you do, that's why you came to me from the infinite magic the Universe holds for every one of us.
Wellness Coach & Psychodramatist | Co-founder, Poshak Life
4 年That's inspirational.
Communication, Design and Operations professional . Innovator . Strategist
4 年Inspirational indeed! Much love to Thomas for not giving up and you, Meenu, for showing it to the world what a committed heart full of purpose can achieve. Wishing both of you the very best in life.
Realtor at Jovi Realty
4 年Amazing article, love the way it's written and very inspirational!
Healthcare, Education & Project Consultant | Community Engagement & Advocacy Specialist
4 年Love you sis. That's all I can say. I am speechless. You have been a great motivator. Do you remember? You were the only one who supported me when I said I am going for MSW when everybody else saw an MBA in my Mathematically "brainless" persona...Love you and Thank you so much for everything you are for me.