Make your Chrome browser work harder for you
Do you use Google Chrome? You can be more productive by using Extensions.
There are thousands of these small, free, add-on programs available for the world’s most-used web browser.
Some just turn your cursor into a pizza slice – because why not? But some have more practical uses that can help you get the most out of your day.
Here are our top picks…
Dualless If you work on a laptop and miss the benefits of a big desk with dual monitors, this extension could be for you. Dualless allows you to split your browser window in two, so you can view two windows or applications at the same time. You can adjust the respective sizes to suit your needs.
RescueTime Ever look at the clock and wonder where the day went? RescueTime can tell you. It tracks the time you spend in tabs and windows, and even categorizes them from ‘very productive’ to ‘very distracting’. Are you brave enough for this one?
BlockSite This is especially helpful if you’re trying to stay productive away from the office. BlockSite allows you to create a list of websites you’d like to avoid, either all the time, or just in working hours. And it has a neat insight tool that shows you how you’ve been using your time.
Unhook Sometimes you need to watch a YouTube video for research. But how often do its recommendations lead you down a rabbit hole? Unhook removes the recommended sidebar, and stops screen suggestions, comments and the trending tab, so that you only watch what you intended – and no more. You’re welcome.
There’s more to productivity than Chrome extensions – but small wins all add up. If you need more help and advice with your software choices, get in touch today.