Make the world a better place to live in!

Make the world a better place to live in!

It is said, "When flowers don't bloom, we fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower". Everything is designed so beautifully in nature. When faced with any challenge, it always helps to take a breath of fresh air in a natural vibrant environment that exudes limitless positivity and colors of life all around.

Children are no different than flowers that exude so much of vibrancy, curiosity to know and learn more not just from the books, from every part of nature and also from everything that happens around them. So, isn't it imperative that they be shown what is required for them to learn from, in terms of positivity, a calm and serene environment, words that exude positivity and infinite patience?

Gurudev says, children are born Yogis. A new born baby is the greatest of yogis with ultimate flexibility. If not anything, watch a new born and all worries would fly away. The number of times they smile a day is a learning that every adult needs to learn from. On the contrary, adults try to drag them into their world of unwanted disharmony based on their own bitter experiences. It helps to pause and watch what children do and learn what we can from them and in return provide value adds that are positive from our personal experiences, learnings, work environment and a lot more. Every child is born of a different flavor with different interests and skills.

Like Einstein says, 'You can't judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree'.

Helps to ask the child what their interests are, gauge, measure progress at each step of their learning process and provide improvisations when needed and even change direction if the interests of a child change as they age into young vibrant adults.

A beautiful panel discussion that i had a chance to witness filled my eyes with reminiscences and how today's generation has changed so much, with their level of curiosity, creativity and maturity that they exude when so young. Still remember a child say,

"Whatever our age, there is a part of our teacher that still remains within us and that can never ever be removed!'...

If we were to reflect, the most positive of teachers who gave their whole and soul into building us into what we are today, can never be forgotten. Learning is hence much more than what is on the books.

Simple steps to gauge progress of a child would be to check on their Passion and performance - passion in terms of what the child's interests are and performance in terms of how the child sees progress in themselves. When given an opportunity for them to self learn with just a gentle nudge to keep them moving towards growth, not just for themselves but also for their friends and peers. Gurudev says, 'Bring a smile in every one you see'. Children naturally have a way of doing that, if only adults don't hold them with their thoughts and misnomers.

Gurudev says, "

Children embody all that we cherish: innocence, forgiveness, friendliness, joy, caring & sharing, creativity & unconditional love. Only an education that can nourish inbuilt virtues can impart true intelligence".

As per UNICEF, "Children are our future, and we help develop something good and bright in them"

If each of these values and mission statements are taken forward with the ultimate Vision of making the world a better and happy place for everyone to live in, we would achieve the ultimate Vision of Gurudev Sri Sri's "Vasudeiva Kutumbakam"


Prof. Haripriya Rengarajan, CSM的更多文章