Make today so awesome, yesterday gets jealous
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Being rich, being popular, or being perfect doesn't make you awesome but It’s about being real, being humble, being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of other that make you awesome. I would say that an awesome person is someone who is authentic and transparent.Being you, is the greatest gift you can give your friends family and coworkers. Most authentic transparent people are well liked. Simply follow the old adage. “those that matter don’t mind and those that mind don’t matter”.
Personally, I’m attracted to intelligent people with compassion who push the boundaries of acceptable society in the direction of liberal freedoms, and collective responsibility for our survival on this planet. Steady Eddie (a cerebral palsy comedian) Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Professor Julius Sumner Miller, are all people I’d say were awesome. Here are some tips of being awesome.
Respect your parents and elders. Stay Fit when you are young and make it a habit. Stay Hungry for Knowledge and Skills. Love yourself and surroundings unconditionally. Know yourself more than others say. Learn to Keep Learning always. Complete your job but not Compete with others. Seed Love & Compassion in others. Give more and expect Little. Earn just enough money to be happy. Wakeup and Live like today is last day. And being awesome means doing something different from other in a better way.
Whenever a person goes through his bad times of his life and still he loves god for giving him whatever he has.He knows that this problem will be over.He knows that this bad time is going to make him stronger.He knows that his weakness can also be his strength.He knows that his friends and family will always support him.He does his work without thinking of the result. Awesomeness in front of others and awesomeness for yourself. If you want to be first one, there are many things you will need to change or at least act like you are changed. You need to understand that you should not disrespect anyone.
You'd give seats to ladies. You'd respect ladies no matter whatever happens. You'd care about what people think about you. You'd need to give importance to people you don't have anything to do just because society demands so. You'd have to follow certain rules and regulations everywhere. If you want to be second one, there is only one thing you need to do.... be yourself and follow what your mind and heart says..
'Diary of Jane' by Breaking Benjamin was the song which introduced to being awesome. I believe that that awesomeness must ensue and exchange of love and positive energies, loving vibes and ideas just only for the sake of it and not for any motives or agendas. It gives us a pure experience and a glimpse on how beautiful life can be when we are not stuck in our ego box and operate from a liberated mindset. Freedom is everywhere and in everyone. Knowledge is infinite as truth is multifaceted. The more you know, the more there is to know. So holding on to a particular ideology, particular viewpoint or holding grudge against someone or something only affects you, and constantly disturbs your peace of mind, directly and that of others, indirectly.
Nobody can function well from a disturbed state of mind. When one is disturbed, they disturb others as well, with their thoughts, feelings, actions and behaviors. Furthermore, it also hampers your progress, your growth and affects your evolution as a soul as you close doors on yourself in the ego world. We all are an ocean of possibilities. We all can be and do what we want to be and do. Hence, develop a knack for constant learning and exploring. Keep your mind open through constant self - questioning which creates a desire to know how things actually are and how things actually work.
A famous personality once remarked - "Dying is easy. Living is what is difficult and challenging." Unless some amount of enthusiasm, passion and never say die attitude and approach to life is present, life cannot proceed in a smooth way. Life is an Always-be-happy kinda thing. There are as many ways to be happy as there are a number of days you get to live your life and spend your time upon this planet. This is not an exaggeration or an overstatement. It is possible and well within the reach of each of us.
All you need is a spirit of a traveller, an explorer, an adventurer so as to never let your dreams and passions to die on you. Somewhere along the way some issue, some problems, external politics, negativity take overs and it still does, on and off to kill and pose a threat to yours and mine awesomeness. But these things are not permanent, they are just temporary defeats or setbacks that come from nowhere and we have to keep reverting to our awesomeness. Cheers!