Make sure you travel 'business class' to Heavens!
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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Our own mind is where desires breed. Desires which are unending. if given flame they will end up gulping the whole forest of peace and life. This desire resides in mind and is born out of thoughts. Just like, till the oil is hot even after switching off the gas, it is possible to cook food, similarly, till the heat of desire is alive in mind, the soul will keep taking rebirth.
Let us analyse death more spiritually. The first thing is understand the terms heaven and hell. It is often not understood properly. In simple terms, heaven is happiness, hell is unhappiness.If your karmas (acts) are good, you enjoy happiness i.e heaven. If your karma are bad you enjoy unhappiness. Every act of yours give you happiness or unhappiness. As simple as that. If you do bad karma - say molested a woman, you will face unhappiness. Suppose you leave this earth before experiencing such suffering, you will experience it in your next place of stay i.e narak.
If you escape there also, you will experience it in your next birth to earth. But, there is no way to escape. This is true for all your good acts too. Only exception is nishkama karma i.e selfless acts. Suppose, you donate some money to a poor person and forget about it. It gives you neither happiness nor unhappiness. Means, there is no hell and no heaven. Suppose you donate the money to the poor and you advertise your generosity, you are enjoying happiness i.e heaven. In the process, you may commit some cheap tricks i.e some bad karma - means you go to hell. Therefore, you must keep doing all your acts in such a way that you experience neither happiness nor unhappiness I.e a joy called moksha which is a joy ride in business class.
And once we die, these same thoughts lead to the formation of new form, not necessarily that of a human but anything from a stone to a tree to anything that is visible and invisible in the universe. We don’t just bring the thoughts and responsibility of actions from previous birth, we also bring along what we have learned and passions along with us. That is the reason why we find somethings to be too similar and feel a sense of connection with certain things instantly.
However what Physics and Chemistry fails to answer is about how come living beings are intelligent, especially humans who seem to have - logic, emotion, empathy, etc at a higher degree than other living beings? If we boil down to the basics - a human being is nothing more than atoms and molecules, however there is no evidence from Science that atoms have “intelligence”.
We all know that the human cells keep changing every day, however the human being is always able to identify itself as an unchanging self. In psychology its called Ego. Because of ego a six year old child when becomes 80 year old still identifies himself as the same “person” despite the fact that there is no element of commonality. This also conclusively proves, that there is something within this chemical apparatus which does not change. This could definitely not be matter or force since both of them are subject to continuous change.
Now, this brings us to the logical evidence that elements that do not change, will not be impacted by birth, death or causation. Additionally such an element will not be specific to living or non living, it will permeate all , matter, force , living or non living entities. It is this “something beyond that” or for our discussion can keep it as “X” , is what makes the conclusion of death that its the end of everything, just remains elusive.
Coming back on this again in a spiritual way. When some one dies, he said he was taken in a palanquin by four men dressed in all white gowns way into the clouds. There was a huge line and when his turn came, the Judge sitting there on a pedestal told those four men that they had brought the wrong person. The person to be brought was of same name but lived in the adjacent street. This guy was given a push there only and he landed up back in his body and woke up.
After death our karmas get analysed as good ,bad and mixed .A fully automated karmic accounts settlement system in in place. Karmas related to other jeevs are needed to be offset in after lives all the human lives or as life in other species ,wherein the concerned parties also exist someway or the other and for other karmas, For Good karmas jeevs get consigned to Swarga as reward or birth in other comfortable yonis. For Bad karmas jeevs get punished in hell or by birth in yonis with difficult circumstances. For Mixed karmas jeevs take rebirth as manush or humans back to earth. Therefore you need to decide what you are going to do to get the business class ticket to heaven and attain moksha or nirvana. Stay blessed! #kishroeshintre
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4 年Amazing sir Kishore Shintre Emotional message ??
Back Office
4 年Great post
Retired Professor and Head
4 年Thanks for reminding the universal fact. So finish what you dream as early as possible. Thank you.
Writer, Observer and Muser
4 年We are but footsteps in the sands of time to be soon washed away. In the meantime, live and let live and lift up where we can.
For our esteemed clients in IT sector, we are currently hiring extra ordinary talent: Java Spring Boot Microservices Developer, Pega CDH Decisioning Architect, Adobe Campaign Manager for Bangaluru /Chennai locations
4 年Beautifully articulated Dear Yogesh, stay blessed