Make sure you pay actual cash value on your property damage claims.  See below.

Make sure you pay actual cash value on your property damage claims. See below.

Our client submitted a property damage claim for their insured who was transporting a welder power cabinet. The insured damaged the control panel of the welder during delivery. The welder was an integral part of the load, equipment and components that were being delivered. 

The claimant submitted an invoice for $52,400.00 to make extensive repairs to the control panel. Our specialist was familiar with this type of equipment and requested specific documentation from the claimant to prove their claim. It was determined that the unit was older, but did have value, however it was nearing obsolescence. The replacement cost of the parts on the estimate would be considered a large upgrade and improvement over what they had. 

We negotiated the repairs based on actual cash value and settled the claim for $19,375.00. As part of our negotiation process we obtained a final release. This was a savings to our client of $33.025.00 or 63.02%!

Damage Claim Services has saved our clients hundreds of thousands of dollars this past year. Go to our secure website, and see the types of damages we evaluate. You can also submit your loss on our website. If the invoices submitted for the damages are fair and reasonable, there is no charge for our service. 

No Savings? No Charge! Please call us at 844-560-7697 if you have any questions.  


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