Make sure wireless is on your list of Resolutions for 2018.. Broad Sky makes wireless work.

The drive for bandwidth has taken to the sky, some would say Broad Sky. 

Make sure you are wireless ready for 2018? Telecom is the unsung hero of what makes businesses work and run. Telecom is constantly dynamic driven by what is needed in the marketplace. We have seen T1s lead to cable to fiber to wireless. Computers have gotten smaller, faster and do more.   Cloud applications have driven the need for more bandwidth.  MPLS was the most effective secure way to build a network until SD-WAN came along offering businesses a way to utilize a variety of transports to build their network, securely, quickly and less expensive.  Also growing is the deployment of wireless in networks…. Why?

Wireless has long been thought of as a last resort, unreliable, unstable and slow. 4G LTE is anything but and Advanced LTE is even better.  The major carriers have poured billions into their networks building out Advanced LTE and now 5G to offer reliable speeds up to 75M and greater. These networks service over 95% of the US population, farther reaching than any other form of terrestrial bandwidth. As businesses are making over their networks looking for better ways to run their network they are turning to SD-WAN because of the speed to set up, cost to run and flexibility to manage. When weighing their options for bandwidth they have more choices now more than ever, SD-WAN is BYOB, bring your own bandwidth. Wireless is becoming an integral piece of business networks for several reasons, high speeds, wide availability, fast deployment and path diversity. 4G LTE speeds are from 15M – 75M down able to handle any applications. 4G LTE can deploy in days compared to 30-90 days for wireline circuits enabling clients to be more flexible.  Wireless travels along a different path, wirelessly therefore is not vulnerable to the terrestrial interruptions that wireline is, making it a perfect backup circuit. Businesses are looking to the sky and implementing wireless as a key part of their network for primary, temporary or back up applications.   Wireless carriers are committed to answer the need for more bandwidth with 5G around the corner.  5Gs speeds and availability will change the landscape of bandwidth choices in the market competing head to head with terrestrial circuits but without barriers supporting any and all applications for businesses. Wireless is where it’s at now and tomorrow.

When considering wireless broadband providers, Broad Sky offers the expertise and support to enhance your customer’s network. Wireless data is a valuable bandwidth alternative but it is an ever changing technology so it is best to choose a provider that focuses in this field. Broad Sky Networks is a single source for fully managed turn-key wireless business solutions. This is through a multi-carrier approach to ensure the best coverage at every location paired with the latest hardware and cloud management platforms to take full advantage of the wireless carriers’ networks. Broad Sky offers pooled pricing for multi-site clients enabling the best service at the best price. Contact Broad Sky for all of your wireless needs for:

-       Backup – FaaSt Failover

-       Primary

-       Temporary Deployments

-       IoT Opportunities

Broad Sky is an expert in Wireless providing solutions that are transforming the way businesses run better, we make wireless work. The marketplace is driving this change and Broad Sky is answering the call. When designing networks for your clients, look to the sky….. Broad Sky.


