Make Small Changes
Lic. Cristina Ortiz
Client Solutions Leader/ Organizational Psychologist/ Thoughtful leader/ People Enthusiast/ Equality & Diversity Advocate/ CX Expert/ Mental Health Promoter/ Certified Associate Project Manager
Don’t plan to make drastic changes in 2018, make small changes that would lead you to the ultimate goal in life: Happiness.
1. Appreciate and be thankful for what you have today: family, friends, a roof over your head, food, a job, your pet, a working brain, a functional and healthy body, the ability to dance, etc.
2. Love yourself, feel comfortable in your own skin: you are perfect!!!
3. Try new things: have you ever felt like learning how to dance salsa? Or climbing the Pico Duarte? Learning how to ride a motorcycle? Learning a new language? scuba diving? Joining a cyclist club? starting your own business? studying something different? What is it? Just do it! Stop procrastinating the things that make you happy
4. Control your reactions. Learn to take things easy and not to explode to every single stimulus life puts in front of you, stuff will continue to happen, just take it easy
5. Celebrate more: don't only celebrate birthdays, holidays and big achievements. Celebrate your small accomplishments as well. Did you get an A in school on one subject? Celebrate! Your baby stopped using pampers? Celebrate! Did you move into a new home that is nicer? Celebrate! Did you lose 5 pounds? Celebrate!
6. Sleep more & sleep better
7. Look at your phone less and at your partner/kids/friends more!
8. Say no, if you don’t want to do it just say no and don’t feel bad about it
9. Be better than yesterday, yes, make small improvements every day that will lead you to being the best version of yourself. Stop settling, be wonderful!
10. Be the change you want to see in the world: be nicer, be kinder, don’t be violent, be respectful, be more empathetic, be thoughtful, if is not a big deal let things go, smile more to strangers, be a good person
XO, Cris