Make It Rain Book Review
Sometime ago I put a picture of this book on this site and said that I would buy it and read it in the future but first would try and find it in the local library before purchasing it. I have been trying to find it for months in the library but it seems that it doesn't carry the book. I am not sure because from what I have been reading in most media it is a best seller in most bookstores in North America. But the bookstore in my area it only has one hardcover and paperback edition. The picture that you see is the paperback edition but none the less I will talk about this book by Areva Martin.
I had a chance to read parts of this book during my break and I have to say that it has some good points on how anyone can use the power of media whether ordinary or social media to increase their business or brand and she has some points on using the major media like TV, radio, newspapers and magazines people can use to increase their brand and businesses. Also using social media platforms such as YouTube,Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,Snap chat and in some cases LinkedIn. This book has very strong points on using social media mostly and I applaud her for writing about them even though LinkedIn,the site I am using to write this article isn't as popular as the others.
While it is nice for us to use social media to increase our brands and businesses, other people may find it a tedious process because of the constant updating that needs to be done in order to be present and recent since there is so much competition among businesses in trying to get their brands known and recognized by the public.Another challenging thing about this is turning fans that follow you on social media into customers and monetizing your presence since it is in a way time consuming for most content creators since at times they're never paid for this type of online marketing.
In closing,while social media marketing is a good thing the drawbacks are present too depending on what your business is about and the types of goods and services that are you are selling.But overall I would recommend this book by Areva Martin for anyone who is thinking about going on social media to advertise their business and expand their brand but also to bring awareness to people about certain issues.