Make the Prize So Large That There is Enough for All.
During my last article “I Don’t Mind Winning Last”, I aimed to show the value of seeking four wins rather than just one - your own. Stephen Colgan stated it succinctly: ‘Multiple layers of reciprocity’.?
I recently received what I thought was a curious question online about the impact I make on people’s careers and lives. Being typical me, I entered into the conversation in the spirit of openness and looking to connect, until I heard, “How on earth can you be a Payments coach when you have never worked in this industry?
All of the results achieved for your clients would have happened anyway!”
Quickly it was apparent the person was keen to get into an argument. I reflected for a few moments and said, “Let’s agree to disagree.” I am always left a little shaken by such interactions, as my intentions are always to help others and I really struggle when interacting with highly cynical people.
This got me thinking of the wider challenge we all face; how to continue to walk the tightrope of growing our careers
I don’t belong in this room…
I recall when a client and I were walking around the Italian Gardens in Hyde Park. Given the beauty and lack of noise, he commented that he could not believe we were in one of the busiest cities in the world.?He had recently been promoted and was feeling out of his depth in the new environment of an esteemed group of leaders. He asked me how he could close this seemingly insurmountable gap.
I reminded him he had been promoted because he was a stellar leader of his people. He was exceptional at what he did and what would make the difference would be to “get into better rooms”.
I was suggesting that he exercised his authentic leadership muscle
During the last fortnight, not only have I benefited from receiving two introductions but also, I have introduced three different people to each other.
What is incredible is that one of these introductions led to a chain reaction of connecting with seven more people. These five introductions have positively impacted at least 12 others – they have grown, and new opportunities have been created.
It made me challenge myself to forget the four wins and think about how I created partners and collaborate with others to create 12 or more!
The most valuable exercise of my career
I had reached a point in my career where I felt that I wanted to examine how I could develop and become more fulfilled. My ?rst step was to identify and subsequently interview people who had achieved the results that I desired. These leaders were all very successful in their chosen ?elds. ?
I wanted to uncover what had made them so successful.?I was very nervous about contacting them and wondered if they would help me; the result was fascinating. By stepping out of my comfort zone, making a friendly introduction
A major recurring theme was that each one had a clear vision for their future. During this process, the insights poured in. I was left wondering what had stopped me from doing this exercise earlier in my life.?I had set limits on myself and listened to others who were unqualified, with no or very little positive intentions, who claimed my potential for me. It is advisable to turn this noise down and realise the key to unlocking your career
So how do you do this?
I love to travel and view the world from different cultures and through a different lens. I combine this with deep questions, lots of walks, much advice taken and many wrong turns. I resonate with leading psychologist Robert Bjork’s term, “desirable difficulty”.
This means putting yourself out of your comfort zone so you initially fail - in fact, you fail a lot but then you begin to find a path. You do not suddenly arrive, but you know you are on the right path. You live your life each day to the best of your ability, learn, help a lot of people to improve their situation, sleep and do better tomorrow.
Since the passing of my mum, I realised my time was limited. So, as I wanted to leave a positive legacy, I knew I had to evolve. I changed direction in my life's journey by becoming a full-time career coach. What a privileged role and position to be in! Often people say to me, “It looks like you truly love your job.” ?- I certainly do!
Helping people in their hour of need or to make a better career decision has a multiplying impact - it helps their families too. It is rather selfish really; I sleep better at night knowing I have helped someone that day.
I recently interviewed Amnah Ajmal EVP at EEMEA Mastercard on my podcast show:
She passionately recommended to:
1.????Be brave - design your own life and follow your dreams
2.????Embrace the obstacles, they are inevitable. There's no straight line to success.
3.????Lead with curiosity. Live a life of no regrets and be a bit kinder to yourself - to manage your own health is important. ?
I urge you to ask yourself:
·???????What do people seek my advice on?
·???????What would you do if knew could not fail?
·???????What do you want to have achieved by the end of career??
This week’s challenge is to:
Make the Prize So Large That There is Enough for All.
Our purpose at Accelerated Career Results is to transform Payments leaders’ mindsets, confidence, and results. For them to achieve their potential through the power of life-enhancing connections, shared experiences, and collaborative learning.
We achieve this by unlocking the ‘latent ability’ within talented individuals and teams. If you have found this article valuable, please like, re-share and pass it on to a colleague or to your trusted network whom it could help at this stage of their leadership career.
If you are a decency led leader, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have a challenge and want to work with a trusted partner, to [email protected]
Edoardo appreciate your support, looking forward to catching up best wishes Adrian ?
Davide appreciate your support, looking forward to catching up later in the week best wishes Adrian ?
Lisa ?kesson appreciate your support, looking forward to catching up next week best wishes Adrian ?
Derren Powell appreciate your support, looking forward to catching up next week best wishes Adrian ?
Andrew Key appreciate your support, best wishes Adrian ?