Make our souls blossom

Make our souls blossom

The very first thing you need is grounding. Are you straight with everybody, including yourself? Be honest. Telling the truth, sticking to the facts, is very important. But if you need to apologize or if others owe you, it’s good to realize this. You only have a handle on yourself. Once you get straighter on that, how’s your heath in general? Are you eating right? Do you get enough exercise? Do you have a meaningful job, or a plan how to get one? How’s your family? Your friends? One way to get yourself better grounded is to help people who need you. They will develop some good vibes for you. Go out and help somebody. Do it as often as you can.

My teacher used to say he changed slowly and carefully, like a 3 toed sloth. Grab some stronger branches. Get something solid to hang on to. You make a difference. The world needs you. You matter. Find out what’s wrong. Get it cleared up. Keep believing in yourself.Just relax, and give your mind easy tasks to perform. Look at life from a person’s view who has seen worse than you. Plan and execute. Focus on your health and mind growth. Let the negative thoughts go away. Love and care everything you have or is around you. At least help one person daily. Smile everyday and see everyone as equal. Follow your passion, if you know it Love the nature and be stunned always.

Meditation is a Good mind teacher. Meditation will help you to find inner peace and stability in mind and it will also nourishes your mind and body to synchronize properly. While a good teacher will led you to the correct path and always praise you for good thing as well scold you for bad things. A teacher will never back off until you achieve something or you are on right track so does meditation to bring you back to focus on what you need to for the present. It is not that you have a soul. You are the soul. This can be understood because you have consciousness. Consciousness is a symptom of the soul. The body is nothing but dead matter temporarily animated by the presence of the soul. Just as a car requires a driver to operate, your body needs the presence of the soul to operate. A body without a soul is nothing but a dead lump of matter.

Within your own mind, in this very moment is the live wire to your beautiful soul. If you were not fully connected, you couldn't be alive. The power in that live wire never wanes. It is always full force. This is the thing. Because we are beloved and respected by the very power that created the galaxies, we have been given the choice to know our bliss OR sanction your own special theatrical version of you. After all, we are creators in a creation. We cannot help but create. Even those who feel as though they are doing nothing, are creating the scenario in which they, the actors are doing nothing.

Realize that connecting to your soul is the easiest thing you could possibly do. You are doing it now, you just don't recognize it. The problem is that you and everyone else in the world has been taught alienation from their natural and easy truth. So, we perceive distances that don't exist. But. it is the power of our own belief that allows for this illusion. You. Your most personal sense of 'me' is your soul. The deepest level of who you are in your own special life is a unique creation of divine mind! You are already connected deeply to your soul. What you need to work on is letting go of belief that you're not. Unity is not a matter of gaining anything, but losing the illusions of separation.

Meditation is a beautiful way of beginning to turn focus away from the screaming of the world, and bask in the deep, dark peace of mind beyond thought. In this stillness we begin to recognize a loving, ancient presence, more deeply familiar than anything we have ever known. That is your own soul gently, and lovingly saying, "Welcome home.' Then, you can be home wherever you are and from there create beauty that inspires others. Your soul is ever attentive to you. When you begin to turn your focus inward, it reaches out to meet you. Right now the warmth in your body, your breath, your existence is powerful evidence of your soul.

Life is seasonal. There are seasons for sowing, nurturing and reaping. It is my deep belief and experience that God, the spirit energy of the universe who connects us and gives us the light of life, sometimes pulls back to make us draw closer to Him. Think of it like a low power stage. Those are times he wants us to seek enlightenment. Every time that happens to me I start seeking again and soon my spirit energy comes back. Every time. So keep doing what you’re doing and be content to seek answers for a while my friend. God may be leading you to a truth that is going to totally change your life. Blessings to you. Cheers!


