Make the Most of the Season
Dan Nielsen, LFACHE
Founder/CEO/Publisher/ Author/Speaker, America's Healthcare Leaders
It’s that time of year again! Most of you are in full swing planning and prepping for the upcoming Christmas holiday. Festive wreaths are hung on doors, trees are up in people’s houses, and shimmering lights can be seen all around town.
In the hustle and bustle of the season it is easy to lose track of what’s important. The western culture is naturally quick. We do everything fast. We make the list, get it done, and then move on to the next thing. Our goal can become “getting through the holidays” instead of “enjoying the holidays.”
But don’t let this happen to you this season. Slow down and enjoy this time of year! Scottish musician Evelyn Glennie put it this way:
“Holidays are about experiences and people, and tuning into what you feel like doing at that moment. Enjoy not having to look at a watch.”
If you are unprepared and overwhelmed at the thought of taking it easy this holiday, check out the helpful tips below.
4 Tips for Making the Most of the Season
- Take a technology break: For those of you, myself included, that live on your phones, consider setting aside time to turn it off and focus on those around you. Have a conversation or play a game with family members. While I know some of you will be on call or have to be available, use discernment in knowing what can wait an hour!
- Quality over quantity: Everyone’s holiday experience is different. While some may have an extended time to spend with family, others may only have a few hours. Make the most of the time you have and choose “quality.”
- Less is more: You do not have to make every homemade goodie or decoration you found on Pinterest or make a full Christmas feast. The holiday does not have to mean going broke and stressing out while accomplishing 40 projects and buying presents for every person you know. Do what works for you and the people with whom you are spending your time.
- Remember to relax: Sleep is a cure-all for many ailments, including stress, uneasiness, anxiety, depression, and so much more. Keep this in mind and take advantage of the times you have to relax. Don’t cheat yourself at night staying up to do unnecessary things. Remember, sleep is important to your health!
Don’t dread the holiday season. Make the most of the time you have and use the holidays as a time to refresh and rejuvenate yourself for the upcoming new year!