Make the Most of Feeling Irritated (Seriously)

Make the Most of Feeling Irritated (Seriously)

Living as I do on a remote homestead, certain urban conveniences are fond and distant memories.

?The United States Postal Service does not stop at my house and the nearest garbage collection site is a mile away.

?As for curbside recycling pick-up? First, we’d need actual curbs.

?So, for the 20+ years I’ve lived here, I’ve collected the recyclables in grocery bags and hauled them into town for drop-off ?at the recycling center, which was conveniently located within the circle of my usual rounds.

?Not any longer: They’ve moved. As a result, the recycling has been stacking up here at the house because I haven’t found the new location yet. It is in an area I don’t regularly visit so ?there is now an additional “hassle factor” in the process of recycling.

?Recently, I noticed a backdrop of irritation as I passed the accumulating stack of recyclables.

?The inner narrative began to wind up: I don’t know where they are. I have to go out of my way, it’s just one more thing to deal with….and so on.

?But –

?When the refrain began, I noticed it and paused to see if there might be deeper, subtler messages waiting beneath the surface-layer of irritation.

?There were.

?What I discovered: An unacknowledged level of fatigue due to less-than-optimum rest and a very full head, resulting from the flurry of activity surrounding a new launch.

?My take-away: Getting some rest was - in that moment - more important than dealing with the recycling. Circling back to address it AFTER feeling more rested would reduce some of the “ugh!” from the task.

?Why this was useful:

? Noticing the irritation makes it more likely I will take action. At some point, the discomfort of watching the pile of recyclables grow will outweigh the hassle-factor of having to hunt for the new location. ?

??? Key point: Irritation can lead to action.

?But wait....there's more: Action, for the sake of action, or to offload internal pressures generated by the irritation, can trip you up:

? Unacknowledged / unattended irritation leads to unconscious action AND eats up valuable personal bandwidth.

?? Key point #2: Unaddressed irritation creates background (or foreground) noise in your head. This takes up valuable space and energy, including the energy required to repress or ignore the irritation...and the energy / bandwidth required to clean up uninteded consquences from unconsdious actions (a.k.a. messes resulting from knee-jerk reactions).

Also (and I think this is the more substantive point):

?? Pausing to check in with myself and listen for the deeper message offered by the irritation allowed me to surface What Was Really Going On.

?The physical body I inhabit needed support it had not been getting.

?Being under-rested makes everything bigger, harder, heavier, darker for me.

I’ve learned to use irritation as a call to check in with myself, to look / listen for the wisdom living behind the I can respond appropriately.

?Translation: In ways that are life-affirming vs. self-damaging.

?Translation #2: The deeply imprinted cultural narratives of Just Push Through are a big part of how we continue to hurt ourselves in outdated responses to irritation.

?The options available in the situation:?

  • Fight myself and my body (anyone else been there beside me?).?
  • Make myself wrong for having biological needs like rest.?
  • Continue to make the recycling company wrong for adding a new level of complexity to already full days.

?Or, use the irritation as a call to connect more deeply with myself and surface the wisdom being offered by the irritation.

??? Key point #3: When harnessed with thoughtful intention, irritation can lead to effective, purposeful action with less personal cost.

?One final point: We get to choose: Reflexive response to irritation (with the often-resulting collateral damage) OR thoughtful, purposeful effective action leading – far more peacefully - to a desired outcome.

?The irritation itself? Something we can make ourselves wrong for experiencing because it seems so…unenlightened,

?OR –

?Use your irritation as a call to become present with yourself and notice the deeper wisdom living beneath the irritation.

?Which do you choose?


How I can help:

  1. If you notice your irritability being more frequent or intense," it may be time for a bandwidth check-up. Just as you defrag your PC, clear the cache and run anti-virus protection, care and maintenance of your personal bandwidth is crucial. If this speaks to you, contact me to schedule a personal bandwidth audit..
  2. Subscribe to The Peaceful Achiever newsletter here on LinkedIn for more content designed to help you boost your bandwidth and build the personal capacities needed to meet challenges and continue achieving without sacrificing your well-being.

Chrissy Carew Master Certified and Board Certified Coach

Empowers Trailblazers and Professional Football Players Who Want to Change the World, Approved NFLPA Partner

1 年

A very fascinating piece, Lyn. You have inspired me to look deeper when I am feeling irritated. This could develop ihnto a healthy new habit. Thanks so much!!!


Lyn Allen - ICF Master Certified Coach (she/her)的更多文章

